How not to remove illegal colonies in many, difficult steps

This is what uncontrolled Zionism has created: Twenty-one percent of settlers believe that all means must be employed in to resist the evacuation of most West Bank settlements, including the use of arms, according to a recent Hebrew University study. Five years ago, however, just 15 percent gave the same response. Sixty-three percent believe the…

Remembering Palestinians under their own occupation

When writing and thinking about Palestine under both Hamas and Fatah, never forget the gross human rights abuses under their rule (and yes, Fatah is backed, armed, trained, funded and inspired by the US): Last November, Muhammad Al Saba, 36, from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip was sentenced to death by hanging by a…

AIPAC moves into gear and asks Israel lovers to deepen the relationship

For anybody worrying about Israel’s decline into deeper repression and occupation (such as the former editor of Haaretz, David Landau), America’s leading Zionist lobby would like you and Congress to shut up, now and forever: America’s main pro-Israel lobby group is mobilising members of Congress to pressure the White House over its bitter public confrontation…

The Jewish Diaspora is turning on Israel

My following article, written with John Docker and Ned Curthoys, appears in New Matilda: It’s not just major western allies who are talking tough with Israel – evidence suggests ordinary Jews are also withdrawing their support from the rogue state Earlier this month the Sydney Morning Herald’s chief correspondent Paul McGeough quizzically asked if there…

Jewish “leader” asks Australia to ignore Israeli crimes

So this is how the Zionist establishment wants to be known: defending extra-judicial murder. Well done, lads, you make us fellow Jews proud: The nation’s peak Jewish organisation has warned it would be an “extreme” reaction for the government to expel an Israeli diplomat as retaliation for the fake passport scandal. In its first public…

Please don’t drop our bombs on poor Palestinians

Perhaps, step by step, Western nations are realising Israel illegally uses their weapons against civilians: A group of British lawmakers are expected to call Tuesday for the reevaluation of arms deals with Israel after a recently published report claimed that British weapons were “almost certainly” used in Operation Cast Lead in December 2008, The Guardian…

What us Jews should be thinking about this Passover

Happy Passover to all my (observant) Jewish readers. Akiva Eldar in Haaretz has a message for you all: One of the harshest of the 10 plagues has smitten the children of Israel this Passover, and they are stumbling about in pitch darkness, bumping blindly into anyone in their way as they head toward the edge…

What Washington does for its little Jewish friend

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak: The United States is a central source for Israel’s qualitative edge [over its enemies] in advanced weapons systems, $3 billion in annual financial aid, ammunition and spare parts that are spread out here in American storage facilities within Israel, and upon which the IDF relies as an ‘oxygen supply’ in…

Obama wants peace in our time (and the Middle East may not be ready)

Either a massive game-changer or a case of massive American over-reach (hello Zionist lobby, Congress etc?) U.S. President Barack Obama’s demands during his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Tuesday point to an intention to impose a permanent settlement on Israel and the Palestinians in less than two years, political sources in Jerusalem say.…

“Obama is the greatest disaster for Israel”

It’s hard to tell if this remains simply a lover’s tiff (with no real consequence for the offending party, Israel) or something more. Certainly a war of words has erupted, and it’s rather fun to watch: Israel‘s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, tried to smooth over a breach in relations with the US today, speaking out…

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