How the Israel lobby plants hysterical stories in the Aussie media

One of the few Australian academics to actually publicly challenge Australia’s deep relationship with Israel and America is Scott Burchill. Here’s his latest missive: This mysterious story appeared on AM (ABC Radio) on Friday. Just dropped out of the blue. Nothing newsworthy about it. In fact the story is mostly nonsense – including accusations that…

It’s only an Arab kid, after all

Oops, how on earth did this happen? Teachers at a large Holon high school said yesterday they were appalled by what they described as the racist insinuations of a video clip they received by e-mail from the school principal that showed an Arab toddler being thrown into a swimming pool and nearly drowning. “A principal…

Oh to be arrogant and Israeli

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Satisfaction – that’s what Israeli faces radiate, at least as observed by people who just came out of Ramallah or Gaza and watch Jerusalem’s busy Ben-Yehuda Street, the Ramat Aviv Mall or Ben-Gurion International Airport. To the Israelis, nothing exists beyond the moment. It’s just like the smugness exhibited by Prime…

Australia and its close mates in Mossad

The following is an extract from an ABC Radio program “Rear Vision” titled “The story of the Israeli secret service the Mossad” broadcast this week. Israeli historian Professor Benny Morris and Yossi Melman, journalist and intelligence expert for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, admit that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and some other western intelligence…

Weapons for Israel

In case anybody was worried about the relationship between Washington and Israel, rest easy, friends, business isn’t being interrupted: As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington this week absorbing the full wrath of the Obama administration, the Pentagon and Israel’s defense establishment were in the process of sealing a large arms deal. According to…

Letter of the week

From today’s Australian: Britain is to be congratulated for expelling Israel’s ambassador to London. Australia should now expel Israel’s ambassador to Canberra. Further, the Israel embassy should be raided and searched by the AFP, the ADF and ASIS and any equipment used for criminal activity, like forging our passports, should be confiscated. Adrian Jackson, Middle…

Murdoch wants to protect Israel from being itself

Here’s some supreme propaganda for your weekend. Murdoch’s Australian places this story on page one, written by their favourite establishment supporting “reporter” Greg Sheridan – victims of Western wars, what are talking about? – and demands that Australia ignore Israel’s criminality: TONY Abbott has called on the Rudd government not to expel an Israeli diplomat…

The Zionist lobby, an honest look on Al-Jazeera

The kind of debate that only really happens on Al-Jazeera. A discussion on the Israel lobby, Iran, settlements and Palestine between Israel Lobby co-author John Mearsheimer, Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah and Israel lobbyist Meagan Buren: Now, after the AIPAC conference, Benjamin Netanyahu has returned from Israel and finds a problem. Poor lad. Here’s Akiva…

Major Australian legal figure calls Israel to account

When a serious academic from Sydney University – Ben Saul, co-Director of the Sydney Centre for International Law – writes a piece like this, it’s significant. A respected liberal who simply can’t remain silent any more: Britain’s expulsion of an Israeli diplomat is a lesson for Australia to stop handling Israel with kid gloves. Israel…

So much for a more enlightened European Union

Occupy another people for decades, get rewarded by the “progressive” EU: Diplomats representing the European Union (EU) have drawn up a new plan for strengthening their relations with Israel despite the expansion of illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Spain, the current holder of the EU’s rotating presidency, is eager that work proceeds on…

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