Roll up Jewish settlers, come and lay your tired head on a Palestinian grave

A Zionist vision: The leader of Israeli settlers’ council has said the regime plans to triple Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank despite international pressures to halt settlement expansions on Palestinian lands. “It’s totally viable to envisage a million Jews living in Judea and Samaria,” said Naftali Bennett on Tuesday. Bennett criticized the Tel…

Zionist Republican can only talk about incinerating Iran

Good lord. Here’s Republican Senator Lindsey Graham speaking at AIPAC with his vision for the Middle East (war against Iran, killing Persians and loving Israel). Don’t tell me that Zionism hasn’t deformed public debate in America (via Mother Jones): Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) laid it on thick at AIPAC’s annual gala banquet on Monday. Referring…

Is being anti-Zionist a crime in Israel?

Following the recent arrest in the West Bank of an Australian activist, Israeli blogger Noam Sheizaf comments on the ominous, largely ignored, ramifications: Two international activists, Ariadna Jove Marti (Spain) and Bridgette Chappell (Australia), who are living in Bir Zeit in the West Bank (it’s near Ramallah, and well within the Palestinian Autonomy), were arrested…

The children of Gaza deserve a decent education

The latest edition of Gaza Gateway: Between March 1 — March 5, 2010, the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt was open, and 4427 people passed through the crossing, including 461 students. Of these students, 100 were returned to Gaza by the Egyptians either because Egypt believed that they would seek to remain in…

Do you really know how Arabs are treated in Israel proper?

Adalah is an Israeli organisation that focuses on legal rights for the country’s Arab minority. Its new short film, Targeted Citizen, highlights the inherent discrimination against non-Jews in Israel. The only democracy in the Middle East, indeed: Targeted Citizen – English from Adalah on Vimeo.

JPost tells the world that Israel can do whatever the hell it wants

While some Western newspapers are upset that Israel acts with impunity, the Jerusalem Post claims in this editorial that the Jewish state has the right to act as it wants, even illegally, as it’s fighting the “war on terror” that all Western states are fighting. The last bit is true and hypocrisy is the name…

Sydney Morning Herald says Israel is walking in the wilderness

A surprisingly strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald that indicates the growing anger towards Israel in the Western elites. A healthy sign: Most of the experts working on Middle East peace think Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are hindering progress. Not so Benjamin Netanyahu. ”We must not be trapped by…

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