Be careful what critics of Israel are really against

Edward Said’s wife, Miriam, cautions critics of Israel to be careful what they’re boycotting and why: On 28 January 2010 the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) issued a statement to the Qatari government calling for a boycott of Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (WEDO) and condemning the…

Anti-democratic moves in the less than Holy Land

An editorial in Haaretz that once again warns Israel to not run off a cliff morally. As ever, the silence of most Jewish groups in the Diaspora is telling: The Israel Defense Forces decision to declare the Palestinian villages Bil’in and Na’alin closed military zones on Fridays for the next six months is a serious…

Love Herzl or get ignored by the Zionist Right

This is how Israel makes friends: …Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister, said he had boycotted meetings with [Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva] because the Brazilian president did not pay a visit to the grave of Theodor Herzl, one of the founders of Zionism.

Yes, we can talk about Jewish interests and unhealthy love for Israel

Following the recent coments by American General David Petraeus that linked the lack of progress on the Israel/Palestine conflict with perceptions of American failure in the Middle East, Andrew Bacevich writes in Salon that finally (maybe) we can start talking honestly about which interests the Zionist lobby are pushing: What are we to make of…

FInding a way back to endless talking between Arabs and Israelis

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz that Washington must back its recent comments to Israel with more than words: Israel – addicted to the occupation, and showing symptoms of overdose and accumulated damage – has finally found a savior to rescue it from its plight. Israel’s redeemer hasn’t just stood idly by for 40 years, but…

Pressure on Israel grows, but what will be the real response?

The latest court gossip about the Israeli/American relationship. Wake me up when the Jewish state actually reverses any of its occupation. The Guardian: King Abdullah of Jordan added to pressure on Israel over its settlements policy today, demanding the international community take firm action over what he called the “red line” of Jerusalem. Abdullah, a…

IDF caught on camera abusing Palestinians (but this is not news)

The Christian Peacemaker Team have released the following video: On the morning of Thursday 7 January 2010, Israeli soldiers attacked and injured Palestinian shepherds from the Musa Rabai family, as they grazed their sheep in Humra valley, near the village of At-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. Five members of the family were hospitalized. Before…

JNews is a Jewish-led news service

Just the latest concrete proposal to not allow hardline Zionists the only platform to be heard about the Middle East: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most destabilising conflicts in the world. Yet consumers of media receive confusing messages about what is happening in the region, who is responsible for the regular outbreaks of…

If America was really pissed with Israel, they would take real action

The Daily Show tackles the latest flap between Israel and Washington which is really just a lover’s tiff, likely to be resolved with some relaxing baths and nice walks along the beach: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Path From Peace Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor…

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