The Israel lobby strikes back

Speaking of “journalists” who love Israel like an old wine; juicy if you know where to lick but corrupt to the core. Over to you, Murdoch columnist Greg Sheridan: The Australia-Israel relationship, normally a byword for geostrategic stability and enduring human warmth, has had some stormy passages lately. The use of Australian passports by the…

Adhere to the rule of law, says Labor MP to Israel and her backers

Senior Australian unionist Paul Howes wrote recently that Israel’s murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai was a wonderful thing to celebrate. Retiring Labor MP Julia Irwin disagrees and said the following in Federal Parliament on 15 March: Mrs IRWIN (Fowler) (9.18 pm)—I rise tonight to comment on an article in the Sunday Telegraph on…

Iran, Iran, Iran (don’t talk about Israel and settlements)

Just in case we’d forgotten why Washington should never pressure Israel (today it’s Iran, yesterday it’s Iraq and perhaps in years to come…Venezuela?): As more than a dozen lawmakers go on record to ask the Obama administration to end the diplomatic spat with Israel following Vice President Joe Biden‘s visit, some are now warning that…

If Tzipi Livni is America’s saviour, then God help us all

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg thinks he knows what the Obama administration is doing with Israel at the moment: There is much speculation that this kerfluffle over 1,600 theoretical apartments on the wrong side of the green line in Jerusalem will lead to a rupture in American-Israeli relations, but analysts who suggest this are missing the…

How the girls of Jenin express themselves

The Freedom Theatre in the Palestinian occupied territories gives locals the opportunity to learn and experience the live theatre and film experience. This short film examines the challenges of young women struggling against the inherent conservatism of the area:

Yet more separation between West Bank and Gaza

A press release from 15 March: HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, and 11 other Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations petitioned the Supreme Court today against the military and the Minister of Defense, demanding the revocation of an illegal procedure which prevents Palestinians living…

Our good Palestinian Fatah boys crushing those awful Hamas lads

Trust Daniel Pipes to both infuriate and shock. Sadly, the US-backed Palestinian militias are essentially a police state in the making and a useful army to quash any resistance to American/Israeli designs on the Palestinian territories: “The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” – last year that’s what I called American efforts to…

Obama and Netanyahu are singing again soon

Washington and Israel, the best of friends again: Israel’s ambassador to Washington and the White House denied remarks that have fueled the current Israel-U.S. crisis. Israel’s Michael Oren was quoted this week by Ha’aretz as saying that relations were at a 35-year-low after Israel embarrassed Vice President Joe Biden during visit to the region by…

Time for the media to ask some deeper questions about Israel/American relations (ie. it’s in pretty good shape)

Everybody calm down. Hillary Clinton has reaffirmed Washington’s “absolute commitment to Israel’s security”. Jerusalem is facing growing Palestinian protests, especially since Hamas called for a “day of rage”. Bradley Burston writes in Haaretz a completely over the top comment: Washington is beginning to relate to the Netanyahu government as if it were Hamas. Please. Israel…

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