This Passover, being Jewish is a painful affair

I applaud critical Jewish voices, the more the merrier. Welcome Lawrie Zion, Australian writer, academic and proud Jew. The fear of speaking out against Israeli immorality is decreasing by the day: Some of my happiest times have been at the Passover table. Even for a relatively non-observant Jew like me, participation in a Seder has…

One meaning of the Israel/Australia bond is selling weapons to the other

This from the Electronic Intifada in February: Despite Israel’s oppressive tactics against it, the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has marked additional victories with many institutional investors divesting from or blacklisting Israeli military contractor Elbit Systems. One of the largest Dutch pension funds told The Electronic Intifada today that it is selling off its…

Latest West Bank shenanigans

The great Amira Hass, a beacon in dark times. One: The army has declared the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Na’alin a ‘closed military area’ until August 17, it emerged Monday. In arresting a demonstrator on Friday, police cited a military edict closing off the two villages, where weekly protests against the barrier Israel…

The latest on the supposed rift between Israel and (usually) compliant Washington

A running, mainstream media commentary on Israel’s current spat with Washington is below. Countless articles are now appearing across the world detailing the supposed crisis between the close allies. Frankly, I’m skeptical. I don’t doubt that the Obama administration is upset with Israel’s apparent dissing of Vice President Biden but what matters is a serious…

Don’t touch small, delicate little Israel, says wannabe Jewish Zionist

Murdoch attack-dog Andrew Bolt worries that the West is “selling out Israel” – yes, saying anything critical of the Jewish state is clearly one step away from anti-Semitism – and then this: I understand from excellent sources that Israel is alarmed by Kevin Rudd’s increasingly hostile comments (esepcially these) and policies, and major Labor donors…

Spare us your anguished Zionist soul

Norman Finkelstein on the less discussed importance of the Goldstone report: “The impact of the Goldstone report is tremendous,” the Middle East scholar Norman Finkelstein said when I reached him in New York. “It marks and catalyzes the breakup of the Diaspora Jewish support for Israel because Goldstone is the classical Diaspora Jew. He is…

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