Demanding Australia stand up for its citizens in the West Bank

Back in February an Australian was arrested in the West Bank and roughed up by Israeli authorities. The following letter has been sent to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Stop the War Coalition: Attention: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade March X, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, We are writing to request that Australian…

Al-Jazeera hosts debate on Israeli apartheid

Bless al-Jazeera English. A discussion about Israel Apartheid Week, asking questions about the definition of apartheid itself, the reality about occupation and rights of Jews and Arabs. This kind of debate simply wouldn’t appear on most Western media outlets.

Understand the logic of BDS

…  A fascinating debate on Democracy Now! about the boycott, divestment and boycott movement against Israel between BDS leader Omar Barghouti and… Rabbi Arthur Waskow, a longtime antiwar, civil rights activist and founder and director of the Shalom Center. A friend comments: Very interesting, Barghouti is all over the other guy, which is last ditch left…

Journalists who spy for Israel

How many Western journalist are on the payroll of intelligence services? More than you think. And how many have worked for Mossad? Haaretz reports: There have always been journalists who “crossed the lines” and switched to being spokespersons, advisers or investigators of bodies that were previously the object of their coverage and commentary. There have…

Challenge Israel, be called a Nazi

The wonderful Max Blumenthal: In the days leading up to Israeli Apartheid Week’s opening event at Columbia University, leading anti-Muslim blogger Pam Geller posted an image of an SS officer with the name of one of the event’s speakers, Ben White, emblazoned on his uniform. (The image recalled placards held by far-right settlers depicting Yitzhak…

Tearing the heart out of Beit Jala

Another day, another example of Israel illegally ripping out the soul of a Palestinian area. Olive trees are the life-blood of the Palestinian people and it’s at least encouraging to see a few activists trying to prevent the Israeli bulldozers with their dirty work:

The supposed rise of a new Israeli left

(Via Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?) By Udi Aloni and Ofer Neiman This article was originally published in Hebrew on March 2nd in … YNet, the website of the mass circulation daily Yediot Achronot. It seems that for the first time in many years the Israeli peace camp is reaping the fruits of…

The Arab League proves its utter uselessness

Get ready for months of meaningless talking while Israel simply continues expanding settlements: The prospects for the first negotiations involving Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership for over a year have increased after the nations of the Arab League gave qualified support to a US proposal for indirect talks between both sides. The decision by…

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