To Shoot an Elephant – Sydney screening

I saw this amazing documentary a few weeks ago. Shot during Israel’s onslaught against Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009, the film-makers were embedded with Palestinian ambulance workers. Israel is clearly seen shooting at unarmed civilians. The territory is under siege with bombs falling all around the terrified population. Zionist terror in its rawest…

What to do with Nazis and wannabe Nazis who write to me

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg is the kind of leading American Zionist who likes to monitor the pro-Israel sentiments of the wider community. If you aren’t sufficiently in love with Israel, watch out. It’s a depressing sign of ethnocentrism. But I have to agree with one of his latest posts about how to deal with mad…

A rare, ray of light from Gaza

The latest weekly edition of Gaza Gateway: It doesn’t often happen that we get to report success stories, but this week Ayman Quader “made it”. Ayman, a 23-year-old student from the Gaza Strip, overcame numerous obstacles to reach his goal. After working tirelessly and contacting anyone who would listen to his story, he received his…

Using “sabotage” to support Israel’s noble mission

With the Zionist organisation Reut Institute releasing a report detailing how to attack Hamas, Hizbollah, critics of Israel and anti-Zionists (yes, we’re all seen as an equal threat), clearly the global campaign against Israel is starting to bite. And can’t simply be erased by military means. The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah highlights one disturbing part…

Israel’s “Auschwitz borders” remembered

From the archive: In 1969, Israel’s legendary diplomat Abba Eban warned that withdrawal from the territories his country occupied in June 1967 would be a return to “Auschwitz borders.” Since then some Israeli politicians have used these provocative words to attack almost anyone who defies them.

Michael Ratner describes Israeli apartheid

Leading Jewish American legal mind Michael Ratner, a participant on the Gaza Freedom March, recently visited Israel and Palestine with his family and was shocked by what he saw. Ratner’s words are especially important because until recently he didn’t really speak out on this issue. Now he is:

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