Israel kidnaps children against the law

B’Tselem releases a statement: B’Tselem recently uncovered a number of cases in which minors aged 12-15 from Silwan, in East Jerusalem, were arrested in the middle of the night by police officers and Israel Security Agency agents accompanied by armed border policemen. In four cases documented by B’Tselem, the minors were taken from their beds…

Colonists show the world how only Jews should control Jerusalem

Pro-settler group Women in Green are experts at explaining the supposed Jewish right over the entire land of Palestine. Here’s their latest report. Note the casual racism against anything Arab. How did Judaism come to this? Yesterday, Sunday, Rosh Hodesh Adar, Women in Green (Women for Israel’s Tomorrow) conducted a tour throughout Jerusalem – to…

Brian Baird, Democrat, visits Gaza and opens his eyes

How many other leading American politicians are doing and saying this? The United States should break Israel’s blockade of Gaza and deliver badly needed supplies by sea, a U.S. congressman told Gaza students. Rep. Brian Baird, a Democrat from Washington state, also urged President Barack Obama’s Mideast envoy to visit the Hamas-ruled territory to get…

Two IDF men speak out strongly against the Gaza onslaught

Arik Diamant and David Zonsheine, I salute you. This kind of article in the Guardian takes guts, especially coming from the depths of the Israeli military: The Israeli media marked the one-year anniversary of Operation Cast Lead, the war on Gaza, almost as a celebration. The operation is recognised almost unanimously in Israel as a…

Aborigines should not look to modern Jews as any kind of inspiration

Following indigenous leader Noel Pearson’s article in yesterday’s Australian about admiring the Jews, I submitted the following (unpublished) letter: Noel Pearson’s admiration of the Jewish people (Aborigines can learn from Jews how to preserve culture and prosper, 15 February) is curious for its omissions. In praising their “resilience and seriousness as a people” and dedication…

US Jews breaking the Israeli law of return

This statement was just released: We are Jews from the United States, who, like Jewish people throughout the world, have an automatic right to Israeli citizenship under Israel’s “law of return.” Today there are more than seven million Palestinian refugees around the world. Israel denies their right to return to their homes and land—a right…

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