What Zionist lobby leaders ignore at their peril over Ben Zygier

Savvy piece by JJ Goldberg in Forward: Many community leaders view crises like the ones in Australia, Argentina and Washington as evidence of a new global anti-Semitism. Israel’s intelligence services conclude differently: that Israel’s continuing West Bank occupation and settlement expansion are fueling a rising frustration among Israel’s longtime friends, gradually morphing into hostility toward…

Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post on Prisoner X and Israeli censorship

The media’s role and responsibility in reporting Israel’s Prisoner X is central to understanding why the story reveals much about a journalistic establishment in Western countries that is far too close to government. I was asked by Al Jazeera’s Listening Post for comment about this issue. I appear around 9:53 (previous appearances on the show…

“5 Broken Cameras” shakes up Israeli consciousness?

The Israeli and Palestinian film 5 Broken Cameras didn’t win Best Documentary at this year’s Oscars (Searching for Suger Man, a fine film, did). This piece by Barak Ravid in Haaretz is the perfect example of the liberal Zionist dilemma; frustrated by the occupation but seemingly incapable and/or unwilling to do anything about it: There…

Against normalising an Israeli marathon

Important and clever tactic, one that should be increasingly raised to highlight the insidious ways that the corporate world and the Jewish state attempt to whitewash occupation. The New York Times report: A lawyer representing… Palestinian… government agencies sent letters this week to an American sneaker company and an international hotel chain threatening a boycott and legal…

Democracy Now! interview on Prisoner X and Mossad

I was interviewed on Democracy Now! TV last night about the Prisoner X case, Mossad and Israeli/Australian relations: NERMEEN SHAIKH: We begin today’s show looking at a scandal gripping Israel and Australia centered on a man once known simply as “Prisoner X,” who was found dead in a maximum security prison in Israel in 2010.…

New video on boycotting apartheid Israel

A few years ago friends Palestinian Rihab Charida and Aamer Rahman (from Fear of a Brown Planet) asked a number of people to read some lines for a video about boycotting Israel. This included the known rappers Lowkey and M1 of Dead Prez. I was happy to be involved. It’s been released today and will…

ABC Radio’s World Today on Australian Israel lobby blindness

I was interviewed this morning by ABC Radio’s World Today: ELEANOR HALL: Now to the latest from Israel on prisoner X. The Israeli parliament is planning to carry out what it calls an “intensive” inquiry into the death of the Australian-Israeli who was found dead in a secret prison near Tel Aviv in 2010. The…

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