A Bolt from the blue

Andrew Bolt is a columnist for Murdoch’s Melbourne Herald Sun tabloid. Following his recent sycophantic “reports” from Iraq and Afghanistan – here and here – I was curious to discover who paid for his travels with Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. I emailed him the following questions today: “Dear Andrew, “After reading about your recent travels…

Damn those “terrorists”

Murdoch’s little helper, Andrew Bolt – his recent adventures in Iraq surely demand an Order of Australia – offers his review of Spielberg’s “Munich”: “…There’s never actually been a shortage of Jews or Americans required to die for Israel or the US, or for simply being citizens of the West. Plenty are blown up or…

The symbol turns

This is US Marine Lance-Corporal Blake Miller in a famous photo taken during the battle of Fallujah by Luis Sinco. He was dubbed the “Marlboro Marine” and came to represent the supposed nobility and bravery of the US troops fighting the Iraqi insurgency. He was, however, soon forgotten, just another “hero” of the occupation. He…

Offend me

While controversy continues across the world over drawings of Muhammad that allegedly offend Muslims – and the pictures themselves are certainly inflammatory – a number of Danish Muslims have long complained of growing Islamophobia. Equating Islam with terrorism, an increasingly common ploy in the Western world, rightly upsets Muslims and should be resisted. However, this…

Understanding the “enemy”

While the FBI questions US journalists and their relationship with the Zionist lobby, a world away in Israel, the Jewish state is working feverishly to persuade the Bush administration to isolate the new Palestinian leadership. It’s a typically short-term proposal, but successive Israeli governments have excelled at this kind of behaviour. Meanwhile, Ismail Haniya, head…

Bomb them, no matter what

Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, February 2: “Tony Blair told President George Bush that he was ‘solidly’ behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion’s legality and despite the absence of a second UN resolution, according to a new account of the build-up to the war published today. “A memo of…

Not at the point of no return

Just in case you weren’t clear about how to “deal” with Iran: “The unimaginable but ultimately inescapable truth is that we are going to have to get ready for war with Iran. Being of a free-speaking, free-thinking disposition, we generally find in the West that hand-wringing, finger-pointing and second-guessing come more easily to us than…

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