Does the US have Russia in it’s sights?

Relations between Washington and Moscow are at their worst since pre Reagan years. Much has water has passed under the bridge since Bush looked into Putins eyes and liked what he saw. Things started to go south when Putin clamped down on the antics of the Russian oil oligarchs, driving all of them, but one… …

Armies don’t grow on trees

The geniuses behind the Iraq invasion and more recently, the surge, have never come to grips with a fundamental principal – resources are finite. Over the past six months, American troops have died in Iraq at the highest rate since the war began, an indication that the conflict is becoming increasingly dangerous for U.S. forces…

Pelosi has the last laugh

Whatever you think of House Speaker Nany Pelosi, you can’t deny that the woman Is resilient. The right wing media and blogosphere had a field day ripping into Pelosi, during her surprise trip to Syria. Some went so far as to suggest that Pelosi might be vulnerable to prosecuted under the Logan Act . Sensing…

Glenn Reynolds Syndrome

Brought to you from the perennial satirist at Instaputz. I have to tell you, this guy’s blog is addictive. Even in Australia they think he’s a total putz: Back in 2004, Glenn Reynolds declared that the election here in Australia was in no small part a referendum on the Iraq war. This was wrong, as…

Tom’s new plan (much better than the last one?)

If America wonders why it is increasingly hated around the world, readers should… note the introductory paragraph of New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s latest feature for the paper’s Sunday magazine: One day Iraq, our post-9/11 trauma and the divisiveness of the Bush years will all be behind us — and America will need, and want,…

The surge grows

There comes a time when talking is no longer enough: Britain’s biggest journalists’ union, The National Union of Journalists, has criticized Israel’s “military adventures” and has voted narrowly in favor of a boycott of Israeli goods. The vote followed calls by some British academics last year to ostracize their Israeli counterparts. At the annual delegates…

True heroism

An unparalleled act of heroism and regard for others. Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter when the man attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, “but all the students lived – because of him,” Virginia Tech student Asael Arad – also an…

Now that America hates him, Bush isn’t a real “conservative.”

I couldn’t resist including this post from the wonderful satirist at Instaputz. Expect to see a lot more of this revisionism from Putz and the far-right as we get closer to ’08: STEPHEN F. HAYES SPENT SOME TIME WITH FRED THOMPSON and observes: And by the end of the conversation, two unexpected realities had emerged.…

Good help is hard to find

Retired Marine Corps Gen. John Sheehan explained in his op-ed today why he asked not to be considered for the new post of “war czar” in the Bush administration. Not only did he decline the offer, but he went a step further and added his significant 2 cents by the country that our military and…

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