Those Ayrabs hate us, all of them

Progressive Zionist lobbyists J Street released a study of American Jews recently that found many were less hawkish than the neo-con “mainstream”. But according to a person commenting on hardline Zionist Shmuel Rosner’s blog, at the Jerusalem Post, we should be careful: JStreet is the CIA’s front organization, the purpose of which is to diminish…

Getting hot through liberation

More rabid anti-Semites dare to criticise Israel’s “moral” war in Gaza: Israel‘s military fired white phosphorus over crowded areas of Gaza repeatedly and indiscriminately in its three-week war, killing and injuring civilians and committing war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. In a 71-page report, the rights group said the repeated use of air-burst white…

When sympathy is the wrong emotion

Jerusalem Post correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh – a man who says what the neo-cons want to hear – feels sorry for the poor Jewish state: What is happening on the U.S. campuses is not about supporting the Palestinians as much as it is about promoting hatred for the Jewish state. It is not really about…

A voice rarely heard

Our Voice – Refugee Youth Magazine is a new initiative recently launched in the West Bank as a way to show the diversity of occupied Palestinian voices: Through this project Laje’oon Center (popularly known as Lajee Center) will establish a solid network of active Youth and Cultural Centres from 6 refugee camps, spread across 6…

A message that keeps on escaping

Israeli/American activist Jeff Halper left Australia this morning after a highly successful two-week visit, speaking to a host of media, upsetting the bigoted Zionist establishment and teaching thousands of Australians about the reality of Israeli apartheid. I was proud to be a part of his visit, via Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Halper told New Matilda…

It’s called ethnic cleansing

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: I do not believe the “media’s negative coverage” of the Gaza war damaged Israel’s image (“Israel risks isolation after Gaza assault, warns Olmert“, March 24). The distorted image of Israel is simply readjusting according to its long-term actions. In the same article, Israel is said to…

Death is life

It’s not just Zionist hacks who lie about civilian casualties in war. Clearly the Sri Lankan government is taking lessons from the master: For the foreign correspondent, everything in Sri Lanka begins and ends with the armed forces: where one can travel; what one can film; even to whom one can speak. And dealing with…

We’ve got to keep on talking

Lebanese Chess is a fascinating blog written by a Lebanese Australian. His recent post is titled, “A week of speeches“: Khatami, Halper and Loewenstein … three public speakers at Australia’s main political university, the Australian National University (ANU), in a week. I went to see them all, and nothing much out of the three surprised…

The world knows

The shocking face of Palestinian fear in Gaza: Some fanatic Zionists claim that Israel only acts morally, especially in Gaza – and calls criticisms of the Jewish state “blood libels” – but the reality under occupation is very different.

Is it really only about us?

Israel paid high price for little achievements in Gaza writes a columnist in Haaretz. But what about the Palestinians? The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Gaza, local Palestinian NGOs and mental health professionals are reporting increased incidents of domestic violence and sexual assault against women in Gaza since the beginning of 2009. An…

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