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Media transparency never looked so appealing:

In yet another sign of how newspapers are embracing technology to increase editorial transparency, The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wa. today introduced a webcast feature that will allow readers to watch the paper’s twice-daily editorial meetings.

Editor Steven A. Smith says he is optimistic about the new feature. For one thing, he points out, the paper has little to lose.

“The investment is minimal,” he said. “We had already wired the newsroom earlier this year for podcasting and things of that nature, so now we’re just utilizing the technology that we already installed for other purposes. If for some reason this doesn’t work, we’ll go someplace else.”

The whole idea, Smith says, is to engage the readers in the editorial decision-making process, while not necessarily ceding the authority of the editorial board.

I look forward to the Murdoch press instituting similar policies. Of course, the constant kow-towing to government policy may look a little embarrassing if broadcasted live (and this is even without Rupert’s directive; it’s the default position.)