Violence is a means and an end: an interview with Mark Danner

My latest article for New Matilda is an interview with leading American reporter Mark Danner: Leading US journalist Mark Danner calls a spade a spade and examines the political value of violence in this exclusive interview with Antony Loewenstein Mark Danner has some unusual characteristics for a mainstream US journalist. He has published in some…

Australian member of parliament thinks bombing Iran is almost inevitable

Australian, Jewish Zionist MP Michael Danby loves to talk about human rights in many countries around the world, except of course Palestine. It’s the usual program; issue directives without political risk but support the most reactionary elements of the Israeli political elite. And bombing Iran. Take his piece in the Wall Street Journal that argues…

How vulnerable is Gmail to Chinese meddling?

The role of the Chinese regime in hacking sensitive information just became even creepier: Reporters Without Borders is deeply disturbed and outraged by cyber-attacks on the Google E-mail accounts of several Beijing-based foreign journalists. The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) sent its members a note today alerting them that at least two foreign news…

Australia snubs Tamil refugees

My following article is published in US magazine The Nation: Sri Lanka’s brutal war against the Tamils, a native ethnic group that has suffered legal, economic and political discrimination for more than half a century, has come at a huge domestic and global cost. Human rights in the Sinhalese-dominated nation are consistently violated, with journalists,…

Annoying Gazans need to start enjoying death

The Goldstone report over Gaza is a defining document. Israel’s crimes are clear to see. For some in the Murdoch press – such as Alan Howe writing in Melbourne’s Herald Sun (the man has form) – “Jews prove easy catch“: The none-too-smart and ideologically unsound United Nations works on more simplistic levels – it sets…

J Street is calling but are we really listening?

I’m on my way to the first J Street conference in Washington DC. Extreme Zionists in the US call the group “cranks“. Other so-called leading Jews in the US are equally spooked. What, some Jews meeting who don’t love the settlements and want to bomb every country in the Middle East? Lynch them! Gideon Levy…

The truth of the matter in journalism

The following interview is published this week in the literary journal, Quill: SYDNEY-BASED ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN is the author of the best-selling book,… My Israel Question, a controversial discussion of one of the most important issues of our time, as well as… The Blogging Revolution, a searching examination of the ways the internet is threatening the rule of…

Iran, Michael Jackson, and Generation X

My following article appears in the Asia-Pacific Magazine The Diplomat: Our writer argues that his young tech-savvy peers, celebrity fixations aside, are increasingly engaged in global issues like this summer’s riots in Tehran. The violent June uprisings in Iran ricocheted around the world. While young, old, conservative and liberal Iranians protested the stolen election win…

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