Gaza may be becoming a tinder-box

With ongoing reports about extremist activity in the Gaza Strip – and we shouldn’t preclude black-ops by the Israelis to exaggerate the supposed threat – this is unwelcome news: The leader of an al-Qaida-inspired group in the Gaza Strip revealed on Sunday that his men recently tried to assassinate former US president Jimmy Carter and…

A US leader who understands Palestine

Jimmy Carter talks to al-Jazeera about the “absolutely necessary” end to West Bank settlements and the engagement of Hamas. Carter has been saying the same thing for years and I admire him for it:

The Australian government is on notice

The initiator of the petition against Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her impending trip to Israel, Ned Curthoys, sent the following letter to her today: Dear Julia Gillard, The following is a petition that I’m presenting to you on behalf of some 180 concerned Australians, many of them eminent names in their chosen…

If you see them like dogs…

Former US president Jimmy Carter urged Israel to lift a crippling blockade of Hamas-run Gaza Strip in an interview on Sunday, saying the territory’s residents were being treated like savages. “To me, the most grievous circumstance is the maltreatment of the people in Gaza, who are literally starving and have no hope at this time,”…

A perversion known as Arab-hatred

Following my Mondoweiss report on Sunday’s New York Salute to Israel parade, Rabbi Sid Schwarz writes in The Jewish Week that he was equally disturbed: …After the parade we heard that there was going to be an Israel-themed concert in Central Park so we decided to attend. It was a shock to the system. I…

Behind the evil

My following review of Paul McGeough’s book, Kill Khalid: Mossad’s failed hit…and the rise of Hamas, appears in the March edition of the Australian Literary Review: At a pro-Israel rally in London in January, one Jewish participant compared fighting Hamas terrorism with treating cancer: “When you treat cancer you kill some of the innocent blood…

A new dawn will leave some behind

Israel can commit war crimes because it’s Israel. That’s essentially the message from Harvard Law Professor and Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz. His upcoming book is titled, “The Case Against Israel’s Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand In The Way of Peace.” Try not to laugh, though I know it’s hard. Former US President…

Would Obama even consider this?

A radical break from the past is desperately needed: Twenty-nine years ago, President Jimmy Carter adopted the radical and dangerous policy of using military force to ensure U.S. access to Middle Eastern oil. “Let our position be absolutely he clear,” he said in his State of the Union address on January 23, 1980.…  “An attempt…

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