Unpacking Iran’s confused attitudes to themselves and Jews

A new study released by World Public Opinion finds encouraging support for an Iranian/American rapprochement: A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of Iranians finds that six in 10 favor restoration of diplomatic relations between their country and the United States, a stance that is directly at odds with the position the Iranian government has held for three…

Not all Islamists see Israel and Jews in the same way

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues his foul Holocaust denial during a speech today for “Jerusalem Day” at the University of Tehran. The Hamas leader, interviewed by Ken Livingstone in this week’s New Statesman, offers many insights, including this: The conflict is the outcome of aggression and occupation. Our struggle against the Israelis is not because…

Many young Jews don’t see Israel as the promised land

The New York Times publishes this weekend a feature on the “pro-peace and pro-Israel” lobby J Street (a group I’ve mentioned many times here.) The piece is important, for no other reason than it tells the world that not all Jews subscribe to the fanatical Greater Israel mindset. Sure, the writer talks about the “very…

1939 over and over and over again

Israel’s new Ambassador to the US Michael Oren reminds the world that Holocaust exploitation is alive and well in the Zionist mind: They [Iran] could accomplish in a matter of seconds what they deny Hitler did, and kill six million Jews, literally.

An Iran we could love

The Iranian election is tough and unpredictable. The internet has become a key battleground in the struggle. This letter, published in the Guardian, offers an insight into a different future: We are a group of Iranian academic and anti-war activists in Europe and the US who, in the past few years, have consistently defended Iran‘s…

The Jews who really need an Iranian bad-man

MJ Rosenberg gets it in one: Foreign Policy’s Laura Rozen has a great piece on what might be happening in Iran. The madman could lose. It seems like almost too much to hope for. But, as I noted earlier, there is some evidence that the neocons are worried. They want Ahmadinejad in there because without…

Welcome, now please come and see our Holocaust memorial

Bernard Avishai on the troubled Israeli soul: …In the early 1960s, Israeli elites saw the Jewish state so much as a pioneering adventure–the culture of Hebrew labor, the dignity of self-defense–that they tended to bury talk of the Holocaust, which seemed to them a symbol of Diaspora Jewry’s woeful path. Ben-Gurion staged the Eichmann trial…

The Jewish Holocaust is over, repeat after me

Aluf Benn asks a key question in Haaretz and one that should resonate around the world. If Israel is truly heading towards a military confrontation with Iran, how can we stop the madness? If the Iranian nuclear program is the train to Auschwitz, what will the Israelis and the Jews do if an operation to…

Iran, apartheid, Zionism and other such matters

A fascinating collection of letters in today’s Melbourne Age newspaper, proving once again that debate about Israel/Palestine is far more robust in the public than the mainstream media usually allows: The most frustrating thing about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s address to the UN anti-racism conference (The Age, 21/4) — aside from his flagrant anti-Semitism — is the…

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