NSW Greens don’t see their job as solely defending brutish Israel

The decision of Sydney’s Marrickville council and the NSW Greens to back BDS against apartheid Israel continues to generate predictable hysteria from the Murdoch tabloids (and that’s to say nothing of the racist, anti-Muslim diatribes being circulated by many Jews and bigots across Australia): The Greens have threatened a trade boycott against the world’s second-largest…

What New Delhi can learn from Cairo

My following article is published by leading Indian magazine Tehelka: The Middle East is the region where global empires lavishly exercise their chequebook. Since the Second World War, America has bribed, cajoled and backed autocratic regimes in the name of stability. Israel, self-described as the only democracy in the area, has been insulated from the…

Wikileaks unloads on the vestiges of our faux democracy

The UK Guardian is doing wonderful work this week, publishing a litany of information over the Wikileaks dump. Every day brings huge new revelations, leaving so many in the mainstream media simply ignoring the best bits (hello ABC Radio’s AM today, utterly shunning anything about the issues). One: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange wanted to expose…

The Wikileaks cable drop begins

This is how the US views the world (reporting by the Guardian): The United States was catapulted into a worldwide diplomatic crisis today, with the leaking to the Guardian and other international media of more than 250,000 classified cables from its embassies, many sent as recently as February this year. At the start of a…

Sri Lanka likes to flaunt its war criminal status

Credit where it’s due. Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post headlines this story, “‘War criminal’ gets a UN job’. It’s way to bash the UN but also reveals how Colombo feels completely protected within the international system. China protects her. Just like the US protects Israel. While civilians are being murdered: A suspected war criminal who…

What Wikileaks should cause; rage at our criminal leaders

Wow. The kind of column that most Western newspapers would never run. But here’s Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in yesterday’s Independent on the justified and burning rage caused by Wikileaks: Bad boy Julian Assange, the pretty, blondish founder of the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks was hugely admired when he uncovered oppressors and political chicanery in places like China…

Meeting Alan Dershowitz in Sydney

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is currently in Sydney for the Festival of Dangerous Ideas and last night debated, in front of 2000 people at the Sydney Opera House, lawyer Geoffrey Robertson on The Sins of the Father; Should the Pope be Held to Account? over the massive number of child sex abuse cases. Robertson…

Disaster capitalism envelops us all

My following article appears in the Sydney Morning Herald today: Last year’s cessation of hostilities between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers, after up to 40,000 Tamil civilians were murdered in the last months of the conflict, has heralded a Beijing-led invasion of the island. The authoritarian Rajapaksa regime was assisted by Chinese…

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