“I recently returned from leading the first British parliamentary delegation to the Palestinian Authority. What we saw is never seen by ordinary, decent Israelis, like the citizens of Netanya – who, since they dare not venture into the occupied territories, have no idea of the persecution of Palestinians being carried out in their name.
“Last there two years ago, I was appalled at how an already unacceptable situation has deteriorated. There are now more than 600 fixed checkpoints in the tiny Palestinian area, which, with so-called flying checkpoints, make free movement almost impossible. In Bethlehem, which used to be crammed with tourists, we saw just two groups in Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity. The Old City of Nablus, which I knew for a quarter of a century as a hub of commercial activity, is also desolate. Heavily-armed Israeli troops man walls, gates and huts, all preventing Palestinians from moving about.”
It’s almost inconceivable for a leading Australian politician to speak such truths, let alone travel to the areas under direct Israeli occupation. The Zionist lobby will make sure any politician even thinking such ideas is put in his or her place.