Talking Palestine in Portuguese

Talking Palestine in Portuguese

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, was recently released in a Brazilian translated edition. The Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, Benjamin Moser, recently spoke very positively about the book, in Portuguese: Some books on Palestine by Benjamin Moser And, in this humble little video, something incredible Read on Substack

Israel’s sordid history with the Brazilian state

Israel’s sordid history with the Brazilian state

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, was recently released in a Brazilian translated edition. Here’s my interview about it with leading Brazilian outlet, Folha De S. Paulo. There’s a lot to discuss including Israel’s long history with the Brazilian state. Read the whole article: Israel usa ataques a palestinos como marketing, diz autor – 10:11:2024 –…

Love Herzl or get ignored by the Zionist Right

This is how Israel makes friends: …Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister, said he had boycotted meetings with [Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva] because the Brazilian president did not pay a visit to the grave of Theodor Herzl, one of the founders of Zionism.