Palestine as Israel’s workshop

Palestine as Israel’s workshop

A strong review by Miriam Scharf of my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, in the UK outlet, Socialist Worker: Israel has turned all of Palestine into “an open-air prison” through its bureaucratic, military and surveillance machinery, according to a recent UN report. Antony Loewenstein’s new book The Palestine Laboratory looks at how Israel exports this expertise…

Discussing the Afghan war with Andrew Quilty

Discussing the Afghan war with Andrew Quilty

Photojournalist Andrew Quilty spent years reporting in Afghanistan and published a book about his experiences, August in Kabul. I reviewed it for the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age in August 2022. My interview with Quilty, conduced at the Newcastle Writer’s Festival late March 2023, covers the war itself, the return of the Taliban and…

The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory

The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory

My new essay in the UK-based Middle East Eye examines my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and also details the growing Israeli influence on Taiwan and other nation states. An extract: The Israeli defence industry inspires nations across the globe, many of which view themselves as under threat from external enemies. The Taiwanese foreign minister,…

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) interviewed me about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and we discussed how the occupation is being exported and the rise and importance of civil resistance to these weapons of war.

Israel’s democracy deficit on crack

Last month, the Australian Book Review published a story about Israel’s eroding democracy. In the June edition, I responded in a published letter: Dear Editor, The state of Israeli democracy is indeed dire, as was eloquently explained by David N. Myers in his article in the May 2023 edition. It is worth stressing that the…

ABC Adelaide talks The Palestine Laboratory

Last night I was interviewed on ABC Adelaide radio by host Peter Goers about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, Jewish identity, Zionism and dissent. The interview starts at around 1:30. I’ve appeared on this show many times before talking about Palestine and the drug war.

Recommending The Palestine Laboratory

My new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is out in Australia and New Zealand on 30 May. It was released in the UK and US last week. Every week, the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age write an email about the latest news and views in the literary world and this week’s edition features the highlights…

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