This is news: 65% of Australians view Israel negatively

According to a new BBC global poll (via the Jerusalem Post): Israel retained its position as one of the world’s most negatively-viewed countries, according to BBC’s annual poll published Wednesday night.…  With 50 percent of respondents ranking Israel negatively, Israel keeps company with North Korea, and places ahead of only Iran (55% negative) and Pakistan…

Think twice before visiting Sri Lanka as a tourist

Ever since the end of the country’s civil war in 2009, Colombo has promoted tourism as a way to normalise the place. The Western media has blindly followed. But Sri Lanka isn’t a normal state; it remains authoritarian. I’m proud that the UK-based Sri Lanka Campaign, where I’m an advisor and have pushed for this…

Why Palestinians call for boycotts against Israel

Abir Kopty in The National: The Palestinian cause is not a charity. The international community, however, has often failed to grasp the nature of the struggle for justice, preferring to channel funds to Palestinian “development” projects to compensate for the lack of will to put serious pressure on Israel. That mentality has been challenged by…

Memo to Europe; Israeli occupation won’t end with a few harsh words

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Compared to the value of the security technology Israel sells overseas, the value of European imports from the settlements are mere pocket money. Israel’s economy won’t be hurt even if European governments adopt the measures proposed by a group of nongovernmental organizations in order to shrink trade with the settlements and…

Zionist colonies need to be excluded from polite society

Much stronger boycotts are required to protest apartheid Israel – the two state “solution” was killed years ago -… but this is all encouraging: Warning European shoppers that supermarket shelf grapes and dates tagged “made in Israel” are probably produced in “illegal” settlements, NGOs on Tuesday demanded an EU-wide ban on imports of settlement goods. In…

“After Zionism” reviewed in Ceasefire

The following review of After Zionism by Hilary Aked appears in Ceasefire magazine: The editors of this collection of essays – a Palestinian refugee born in Gaza and now based in the USA and an Australian anti-Zionist Jew – say they collaborated on this book “because of a shared belief that Jews and Palestinians are…

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