Latest news from Independent Australian Jewish News

The following newsletter was just sent to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices… email list: Hi all, There are a number of IAJV-sponsored and related events coming up that we would like you to know about. The first event begins in Sydney this weekend; it features Sahar Vardi and Micha Kurz, two Israeli activists and former IDF…

Trouble in hasbara paradise

When senior British spokespeople are starting to speak out against the Jewish state, things are clearly getting desperate. The Guardian reports: The British ambassador to… Israel… has said international support for the Jewish state among those in the political mainstream is eroding, driven by settlement expansion in the West Bank and continued restrictions on Gaza. There is…

Tamils remain occupied and monitored in Sri Lanka

The BBC’s Charles Haviland reports from the previously sealed north-eastern corner: I was with the army as they detonated left-over munitions near a major battle scene. “Here, crouch behind these sandbags,” they told me as we stood, in protective clothing, a few hundred metres from the detonation site. “If shrapnel comes anywhere near, just duck.”…

What Gazan women are facing

It ain’t pretty. Years of isolation, the Israeli siege, Hamas and growing Islamic fundamentalism. The Guardian reports: It is five years since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip and Israel tightened its siege of the territory. Many men became jobless overnight and it is women who have ended up bearing the brunt of their…

How to move from two-state paradigm to one-state democracy

The following (first) review of my new book, After Zionism, has just been published in the Palestine News Network: Journalists Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moore have succeeded in putting together an impressive collection… of essays in their new book After Zionism. The essays all focus on the shift that is now taking place in many people’s…

One-state solution is “selective cultural genocide”

Writes a “left-winger” in the Jewish Forward newspaper: There’s the one-state policy itself. Café-radicals who support this view need to look it squarely in the eye and call it what it is: selective cultural genocide. There is no way that a binational state will be a safe haven for the Jewish people or that it…

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