Wikileaks reveals; US PR firm tells Assad regime how to improve image

Via Foreign Policy: The lobbying firm that brought you a… Vogue… story featuring the Syrian first lady was still trying to help the Syrian… regime improve its image abroad two months after the notoriously ill-timed article was published and then scrubbed, as the country descended into violence, according to a document revealed by Wikileaks. The international firm Brown…

What does “development” really mean for Haiti?

Tragically, often the true definition of disaster capitalism, such as this industrial park which is already causing controversy, and rightly so. The New York Times have produced a stunning report and short film about the project. This isn’t progress:

Private eyes are watching all of us

The idea that repression only happens “over there” is a myth that needs to be constantly challenged (my recent PEN lecture tackled this). Take this (via Pro Publica): Cellphone companies hold onto your location information for years and routinely provide it to police and, in anonymized form, to outside companies. As they note in their…

There is no Middle East “peace process”, then or now

Ben White in Al Jazeera kills it: Simply put, the “peace process” is used as a substitute for international law, rather than as a means to secure its implementation. Thus… accountability… for war crimes in Gaza is seen as a threat to the peace process, while for the Palestinians to go to the UN (putting aside that…

State Department admits it’s hypocritical over Palestine

Wonderful find via Mondoweiss. Speaks for itself: … VICTORIA NULAND, spokesperson for State Department: Listen, before we leave Syria, I just want to take the opportunity, if you didn’t see it, to draw your attention to the Human Rights Watch report that was released today that identifies some 27 detention centers that Human Rights Watch says…

Zionist illegality is another day at the office

At some point, liberal Zionists, like this editorial writer in Haaretz, will realise that simply hoping Israel behaves itself is futile. Outside pressure and action is essential. And boycott, divestment and sanctions: One might expect that in a law-abiding, principled country the authorities would deal forcefully and resolutely with the practice of building settlement outposts…

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