Come to the West Bank and shoot Ayrab “terrorists”

Celebrating colonisation, demonising Arabs and making money in the process? Welcome to Israel 2012 (via Ynet): Like a frozen turkey plunged into boiling oil, a group of American tourists descend from an air-conditioned van into the scorching heat of the West Bank. Flashing smiles all around, they march into Caliber 3, a local shooting range.…

Think nukes makes Israel feel safe? As if

Joseph Dana, The National: For years, Israel has collected personal information about travellers to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. And security officials intimidate travellers who are deemed problematic. It used to be that officials would rifle through people’s notebooks and journals. Even Israeli Jews involved in Palestinian solidarity projects are…

Parliamentary “debate” in Australia over Palestine is anemic and racist

There are barely any Australian politicians who speak honestly about Israel and Palestine. Instead, indulged and brain-washed by the Zionist lobby, they spout pro-Israel propaganda. They hear no evil and they see no evil. All the while Israel continues to illegally colonise Palestine, making their stated aim of a two-state solution an utter impossibility. History…

Remembering Gaza; The World Around Us

A new documentary featuring two Al-Jazeera journalists, The World Around Us, who were inside Gaza during Israel’s onslaught in late 2008 and early 2009. They witnessed the horrors and won’t let the world forget: More here.

Feeling the Zionist hate

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz: Israeli evil wears many faces these days. There are the rude, the crude and the thuggish, who still manage to generate some heat: When MK Miri Regev goes off on one of her jingoist, gutter-talk rampages – “the ‘infiltrators’ are a cancer” – some people are still shocked. The same…

The Wire on Palestinian hunger-striker Mahmoud Sarsak

Growing numbers of Palestinians are going on hunger-strikes to protest their inhumane treatment and incarceration by Israel. I was interviewed by The Wire on one particular case, footballer Mahmoud Sarsak, and the struggle for Palestinian rights in general:

ABCTV News24’s The Drum on refugees, #LeftTurn and Obama’s “kill list”

I appeared last night on ABC TV News24’s The Drum (video here) alongside ABC’s Stephen Long and The Australian’s… Adam Creighton. We talked about asylum seekers – I argued that keeping refugees for longer in detention will only benefit the private contractor Serco and worsen the mental health of both staff and detainees. Regarding austerity in…

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