Classic example of how not to undermine serious human rights reporting

The role of the mainstream media in reporting hard news while also taking compromising advertising is an intriguing one. The Guardian recently discovered this and mis-fired badly. To its credit, they’ve now run this strong piece by Chris Elliot, the Readers Editor: Sri Lanka‘s civil war, in which tens of thousands of people were killed…

Saudis can show talent (but without music, women or soul)

America must be so proud of its dutiful client state, Saudi Arabia (via Yahoo! News): A… Saudi city… known for its ultra-conservatism has created its own version of the “Arabs Got Talent”… television reality… show, but with no music and women banned from taking part. Instead, competitors will be permitted to perform religious chants, recite poems and engage in…

Majority of Israelis think Africans are “a cancer”

Sigh: Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are “a cancer in the body” of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012. Broken down by political and religious affiliation,… the monthly…

Colluding with Israeli apartheid should affect your global image

The Independent reports: The government will be challenged in parliament next week over the services provided in Israeli settlements within occupied Palestinian territory by the company chosen to run security for London 2012. G4S, designated as “official provider of security and cash services for the Olympics,” also operates in Jewish settlements in the West Bank…

Blood on British hands; sending Tamils back to be tortured

These serious allegations are horrific. A government’s duty of care is paramount and yet in this case it seems that the desire for Britain (and indeed, Australia, who says very little about war crimes in Sri Lanka) to have a good relationship with Colombo is central. Also note the use of a private, chartered plane,…

Beinart likes democracy but Jews clearly deserve it more

Discussion over Peter Beinart’s recent book on Israel/Palestine continues and this long feature in New York Magazine is symtomatic of … the problem. His main goal is “saving Israel” and although he clearly cares about Palestinian human rights, comments such as these suggest not as much as Jewish ones: If you understand me in the larger…

Australia to take best lesson possible from indulging Zionism since 1948

A friend in Israel sent this to me today. We’ve been warned: Australian politicians, senior bureaucrats, journalists, academics, military and business leaders have for many years been taking paid-for trips to Israel to observe the Israeli model in action, how it works, and to take home lessons that could be applied by Australia. After many…

Zionist fascism is both normalised and encouraged

Israel 2012: Israel may jail illegal immigrants for up to three years under a law put into effect on Sunday, an Interior Ministry official said, a measure aimed at stemming the flow of Africans entering Israel across the porous desert border with Egypt. “The law takes effect from today,” said Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad.…

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