#LeftTurn gets a thumbs-up

The book I co-edited with Jeff Sparrow is called Left Turn and is released across Australia this week (as well as an e-book edition). I’m pleased to say that the first review, by the head of one of Australia’s leading independent bookstores, Readings, Mark Rubbo, is very positive: I ran into Antony Loewenstein at the…

On the massacre in Houla, Syria

Strong piece by Jon Lee Anderson in the New Yorker: Sooner or later, every armed conflict in which victory is determined by control of the civilian population—as opposed to, say, physical territory—has its My Lai, its Srebrenica, its Sabra and Shatila. And Syria’s civil war (because that, in the end, is what it is) now…

People of PNG question whether LNG boom will help them

This is the key question for poor nations with resource wealth. Beyond all the energy company rhetoric and government spin, how do average people benefit? This report, in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, asks the same kind of questions I discussed recently with Green Left Weekly: A failure to work with the community could undermine the…

Mining and gas company vandalism in Papua New Guinea

My following interview appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: Independent journalist and author… Antony Loewenstein… visited Papua New Guinea in January and February as part of his research for an upcoming book and documentary about disaster capitalism and privatisation. He spoke to… Green Left Weekly‘s… Ash Pemberton… about the influence of the resource industry in PNG, its links with…

What Gitmo did to one man

The horror and outrage of Guantanamo Bay continues to this day. A legal and moral black hole sanctioned by the highest levels of the US government. No justice. No mercy. This New York Times feature on just one man, innocent and never charged, shows how America has become a country that proudly shuns international law.…

The power and beauty of protest in Quebec

This is no longer just about rising tuition fees and a government that loathes public protest. It’s the power of the #Occupy movement with a broad base of support. This beautiful film captures a moment:

Zionist hate against Palestinians and Africans; Israel 2012

Via +972: More than 1,000 Israelis protested this evening (Wednesday) against the African refugees and asylum seekers who have settled in South Tel Aviv in recent years. According to eyewitnesses reports, the crowd grew angry and ultimately violent, following speeches from Knesset Members, including members of the government coalition. It was one of the most…

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