ABC TV News interview about freedom of speech in West and beyond

During last week’s Sydney Writer’s Festival, before my PEN lecture on free speech, I was interviewed by ABC TV News about the growing threat to our freedoms in the West, as governments and private companies monitor and collect our digital details: [video… ogg=”/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/586444_20120517-Sydney-Writers_video2.ogg” mp4=”/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/586444_20120517-Sydney-Writers_video2.m4v” width=”400″ height=”224″]

Why my people are broken part 775432

Utterly depressing form of group-think at the Jerusalem Post. The title is, “Yes, all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic!“. The Zionist state is immensely powerful in so many ways yet remains utterly insecure. That’s what occupying another people will do to you: That is to say, the historical circumstances under which Israel and the Jews…

Sydney Writer’s Festival photos

Last week’s first public event for the new book by Jeff Sparrow and yours truly, Left … Turn: And the 2012 PEN Free Voices lecture: The rest of the collection is here.

Getting #LeftTurn debate going over gay marriage and equality

A book I co-edited with Jeff Sparrow, Left Turn, is about to launch. One of the contributors, Rodney Croome, a strong advocate of gay marriage, has written a powerful piece in ABC’s The Drum about this issue: The American civil rights movement was a colourful but hollow distraction from the far more important issue of…

ABC Radio National interview on free speech and human rights

The last four days have involved extended time at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. There was the first public event for my forthcoming book with Jeff Sparrow, Left Turn. There wasn’t a spare seat in the house. They’ll be far more about this title in the next days and weeks, so stay tuned. The following day…

Zionist state committing suicide with its eyes open

A new BBC poll finds popularity of Israel at a welcome low globally. These numbers in Australia reveal the profound disconnect between political elite opinion and the general public: In the EU countries surveyed, views of Israeli influence have hardened in Spain (74% negative ratings, up 8 points) and in France (65%, up 9 points)…

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