Destroying Afghanistan one freedom bomb at a time

After 9/11, the West invaded Afghanistan under the guise of eradicating terrorism and helping its poor people. Years later, this is our legacy: The Afghan government should release the approximately 400 women and girls imprisoned in Afghanistan for “moral crimes,” Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. The United States and other…

Nothing to see here: world continues funding Israeli occupation

Amira Hass in Haaretz on the international community’s continual insistence to fund the Palestinians to remain occupied: Israel’s position in its periodic report to the donor-coordination group for the Palestinian Authority reminds one of the boy who kills his parents and then demands an orphan’s pension. Israel describes the failings of the Palestinian economy as…

Assessing the “only democracy in the Middle East”

A true democracy is a nation that respects the rights of all its citizens (or at least strives to). Israel is not that country. More evidence for the prosecution by Dimi Reider in the New York Review of Books: This should be a year in which Israeli democracy is much on display. Prime Minister Benjamin…

“Law of the jungle” for unregulated Pakistani security firms

The explosion of these companies post 9/11, increasingly operating in developing countries with little oversight, shows no sign of abating. Today’s Express Tribune in Pakistan confirms it (though the role of foreign mercenaries is yet another area requiring far more investigation): Private security guard companies continue to operate in a legal black hole, as key…

One more Western government far too keen to assist the private security industry

A worrying global trend sees Western officials increasingly working with unaccountable private security firms in the name of “efficiency”. Canada’s conservative government is joining in: This fall the Government of Canada will reintroduce… legislation that would expand the power of citizen’s arrest. In 2010 Bill C-60, as it was called, died on the order paper; this…

US backing for Egypt largely about arms trade

How grubby (via the New York Times): An intense debate within the Obama administration over resuming military assistance to… Egypt, which in the end was approved Friday by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, turned in part on a question that had nothing to do with democratic progress in Egypt but rather with American jobs at…

What part of “Kill the Arabs” don’t you understand?

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on the selective outrage by Zionists towards intolerance: The voice on the other end of the phone was clearly very upset. Its owner had rung late at night to talk about the “pogrom,” as he called it, at Jerusalem’s Malha shopping mall a few days before. As the former head of…

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