Desperation of prostitution in Kabul

Fascinating yet disturbing insight into a hidden world inside Afghanistan (via Channel 4): In a Kabul suburb we have come to a woman’s house. We’ll call her Habiba. She’s playing with her daughter on the carpet, a toddler. There’s a small but modern flatscreen TV in the corner. A house of several bedrooms.… In her headscarf…

Not all young Jews embrace Israeli occupation

Bravo: On March 4, 2012, 22 year old member of Young Jewish and Proud (the youth wing of Jewish Voice for Peace) Liza Behrendt stood up at the 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference in a breakout session called “The Struggle to Secure Israel on Campus” to call attention to the silencing of Palestinians— and young Jews…

When in trouble with the truth, Zionists, dredge up Hitler (or related)

This never ceases to amaze me. While Israel’s occupation deepens every day and racism towards Arabs grows – see this “fury” over religious Zionist politicians demanding an Arab judge recite the Zionist national anthem – the mostly old and crusty Jewish spokespeople globally just want the world to better understand poor little Israel. In today’s…

What’s some dead Iranians for the sake of helping Zionism?

Words fail: Iran’s citizens should be starved in order to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, officials in Jerusalem said Wednesday ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming trip to Washington. “North Korea is halting its nuclear program in order to receive aid in food, and this is what should be done with… Iran… as well,” one unnamed official…

Shock! Horror! Iranians are human beings

What a sad story. At a time when armed conflict between Iran and Israel is increasingly likely, the reality remains that neither people know much about the other. This article is a window into that (via Associated Press): Israeli newspapers warn daily of the Iranian nuclear threat, but for the past week and a half,…

Equality for all between Israelis and Palestinians threatens Zionist identity

This weekend’s One State Solution conference at Harvard University has already caused consternation in the usual Zionist circles. One of the organisers, Ahmed Moor, co-editor with me on a forthcoming book After Zionism, issued the following statement to… Inside Higher Ed… for critics who won’t understand why advocates can’t find love for Israel in their hearts: In…

Disaster strikes in Haiti and vultures swoon

While politics in Haiti remains volatile, the reality for millions of its citizens is dire. After the 2010 earthquake, countless foreign companies swooped in the hope of making money from misery. This is the clear definition of disaster capitalism. Two recently reports highlighted the immorality of this situation. Truthout: As Americans were gearing up for…

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