Israel is an apartheid state; Discuss

Bitterlemons website has done just that, publishing four perspectives on the issue. Here’s John Dugard, a professor of international law and previous special rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory: BI:… Does the system in place in the occupied territories fit the UN definition of “apartheid”?… …

The selling off of our prized possessions

The record of private security company G4S is deeply troubling… (including in Papua New Guinea, from where I recently returned). So this news is both worrying and a sign of things to come globally. For some privatisation propagandists, everything should sold to private interests: Private security company G4S is about to sign a deal which would…

American disaster in Yemen; Jeremy Scahill on blowback personified

American independent journalist Jeremy Scahill believes in actual reporting. Controversial idea in an age where the vast majority of corporate hacks in the MSM barely leave the office or simply receive sanctioned leaks. He’s just returned from Yemen where he finds the Obama administration conducting a violent counter-terrorist program that is achieving little more than…

Civil strife serious possibility in PNG due to vulture capitalism

My following investigation appears in Crikey today: The story led the business pages in Papua New Guinea’s… Post-Courier… in early February. “Analyst: PNG on verge of change” screamed the headline. British-based market analysts Bdaily Business Network praised the $US17.3 billion Exxon-Mobil led LNG project. “[It] is the most important single development in the history of PNG”, it…

Throwing money to defend occupation should send Israel totally broke

Hello Israel, you have a major… issue: Israel is dispossessing Palestinians in east Jerusalem and the West Bank as well as its Arab minority with a “strategy of Judaisation,” a United Nations representative charged on Sunday. Presenting her preliminary findings after a tour of Israel and the Palestinian territories this month, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on…

Photos from stunning yet troubled Papua New Guinea

I’ve just spent three weeks in Papua New Guinea investigating disaster capitalism for a new book (out 2013), as well as filming a documentary. Here are my photos of Bougainville, Madang and Port Moresby/Papa Lea-Lea. It was a wild trip and revealed deep complicity of Western and Chinese corporations in the exploitation of the nation.…

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