On the road with disaster capitalism

Just a short note to say that postings will remain very light until the 3rd week of February. I’m currently travelling overseas researching a forthcoming book (out 2013) on disaster capitalism. Let’s just say I’m learning much about mining, human rights, local communities being shafted and Western multinationals colluding to stir the pot. Welcome to…

When an Haaretz columnist comes to Australia…

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: Although Middle Eastern affairs are at the bottom rung of priorities for Australian politicians and there is nothing for Jewish lobbyists to do, Israel figures centrally in Jewish life. You won’t find an Australian Jew who has not visited Israel at least once, and many families have branches in Israel. In…

Do Neo-Nazis have the right to free speech in Australia? (hint: yes)

This morning I was interviewed on Radio Adelaide about the limits (if any) of free speech in Australia: It’s festival season, the Fringe, Adelaide Festival, WOMAD – and we’re all picking out which events we’ll go to – but what about the neo-Nazi aligned Hammered festival? It’s to be held in Queensland– unsurprisingly it will…

Voices of real dissent exist in Israel, though barely

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: This is the way they express themselves in private conversations and this is what they think. Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman calls Haaretz “Der Sturmer,” the notorious Nazi propaganda tabloid; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers Haaretz one of Israel’s two greatest enemies, along with The New York Times. Even the denial issued…

ABCTV News24 on Iran, faltering economy and racism

Last night I appeared on ABCTV’s The Drum (video here) alongside Joe Stella and The Punch editor Tory Maguire. We talked about the faltering global economy – why oh why is the IMF treated with such respect after years of failed forecasts and neo-liberal “reforms” that have only caused misery for millions globally? – and…

Exposing hypocrisy of Zionist lobby and its role as shills for Israeli state

Following the ongoing pressure by the Australian Zionist establishment to censor The Promise, a wonderful letter appeared in yesterday’s Age which was spot-on: A leading Jewish body, in an effort to suppress DVD sales of the SBS series… The Promise, has likened the program to Nazi propaganda. This shameful attempt at censorship is bad enough without…

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