What released Serco contract says about Australian government’s lack of standards

Following… our world exclusive revelations yesterday about the Serco contract with the Australian government (stories here,… here and here), last night ABC Radio’s PM featured an interview with the editor of the independent publication that ran the articles, New Matilda: MARK COLVIN: The news website New Matilda has obtained the contracts under which the private company SERCO…

Exclusive: Serco hires untrained guards in Australia

The following exclusive, written with Paul Farrell, appears today in Australian magazine New Matilda: The Gillard Government’s contract with Serco imposes no initial training requirements for security guards, according to documents obtained under FOI – and that’s causing damage to asylum seekers and to the guards themselves Serco security guards in immigration detention centres are…

Exclusive: no audit requirement for Serco in Australia

The following exclusive, written with Paul Farrell, appears today in Australian magazine New Matilda: Running detention centres is an important job. Why are the audit and reporting requirements for Serco so low? Paul Farrell and Antony Loewenstein report Under the contract signed between Serco and the Department of Immigration (DIAC), which New Matilda has obtained…

Exclusive: Australian government contract with Serco revealed

The following global exclusive, written with Paul Farrell and Marni Cordell, appears today in Australian magazine New Matilda: Today NM publishes the contract signed between the Department of Immigration and Serco, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act New Matilda has gained exclusive access to the first publicly available version of the 2009 Department of…

Australia silent over Israeli abduction of one of its own citizens

The following statement is released today: URGENT: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday 7 November, 12pm ISRAELI TAKEOVER OF FREEDOM BOATS VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS Contrary to Israeli claims that the takeover of the two Freedom boats Tahrir and MV Saoirse by the Israeli navy was peaceful, organisers of this latest Freedom Wave to Gaza say it was…

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