Democracy credentials inside Israel worsening (ie. Zionism rules)

The Israeli Democracy Institute releases its 2011 results after interviewing 1200 Israelis. As usual, the results make for despairing reading; this from the “Middle East’s Only Democracy Inc”: Jewish-Arab Relations: About a third of the Jewish population does not consider Arab citizens “Israelis.” Moreover, 77.9% of Jews believe that a Jewish majority should be required…

Justice will haunt any Sinhalese thug with blood on their hands

Bravo: This morning, American University Washington College of Law’s UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation Clinic filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) against Sri Lankan General Shavendra Silva, who currently resides in New York City. General Silva was the commander of the 58th Division of the Sri Lankan Army during its…

Please can Australia have a mature discussion over refugees? No, didn’t think so

The Australian “debate” over asylum seekers leave ones thoroughly depressed. Both major sides of politics seem determined to dehumanise the most vulnerable people seeking assistance. Grubby and utterly pointless. No wonder nobody really respects politicians these days. Are we truly saying Australia can’t handle a few boats arriving on our shores? Sigh. The Australian’s George…

Corporate loves making a killing from Troy Davis killing

Sigh: The tragic debacle that has been the Troy Davis execution has another dimension to it beyond racism, classism, and the miscarriage of justice in a flawed system. That dimension is capitalism: specifically, the corporatization of the prison-industrial complex. If you’ve noticed some angry tweets directed at @correcthealth… in the past day,… that’s because “CorrectHealth” is the…

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