The good mercenary life in Africa

Who said being a private security thug wasn’t profitable in the age of capitalism on crack (via South African paper The New Age)?: Thirty-five Special Forces-trained South Africans were responsible for this week’s audacious operation that spirited Muammar Gaddafi’s wife and three children from Libya to safety in Algeria. The “battle hardened Iraq veterans”, who…

Memo to Murdoch hacks; supporting Palestine is legitimate so deal with it

In what is becoming a daily obsession by Murdoch’s Australian newspaper, today sees yet more articles comparing BDS for Palestinian rights akin to Nazi Germany, the 9/11 attacks and extremism. First the “news” story: Victorian unions have voted to embroil the ACTU in a controversial campaign targeting Israeli-owned businesses. This came as the Boycott, Divestment…

Wikileaks claims Tamils want justice but autocratic state making that impossible

As Sri Lanka continues to face justified international pressure over war crimes against Tamils committed during the country’s civil war, a recently released Wikileaks cable alleges the Tamil population inside the country fears even raising accountability issues. That’s quite some democracy: In a comment dated 15.01.2010, US ambassador Patricia Butenis noted the Tamils in Sri…

Of course Muslim hatred would help fund Zionist extremism

Sigh: A colouring book about the events of 9/11, complete with pictures of the burning twin towers and the execution of a cowering Osama bin Laden for children to fill in, has provoked outrage among American Muslims. We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom has just been released by the Missouri-based publisher…

Fighting back against those raping the Earth

It’s encouraging that growing numbers of communities globally are challenging the right of unaccountable corporate raiders to pillage the natural resources of the world. This is the definition of the resource curse and it’s vital that indigenous peoples challenge the outrage. This recent piece in the UK Guardian by Melody Kemp highlights the trend: Have…

So now we know who has been talking to the US covertly

Philip Dorling writes in Fairfax in Australia that there are serious questions about who holds vital information, who releases it, who should horde it and where responsibility lies in an age where Wikileaks (rightly) forces governments and journalists to own up to their own culpability in human rights abuses and cover-ups: Confirmation that the full…

That’s a relief; Greens Senator isn’t anti-Semitic

The fact that Lee Rhiannon has to write this letter to Murdoch’s Australian shows the debased nature of the “debate” in this country: David Syme’s accusation that I am anti-Semitic is false (Letters, 30/8). On many occasions I have condemned anti-Semitism. I regularly speak out in support of multiculturalism and human rights and oppose racism…

Leading Israeli paper says BDS is working

Though like so much corporate reporting globally, there’s no real explanation apart from Jew hatred. Nothing about the occupation or why Zionism has become such a toxic ideology. Still, encouraging that BDS is having the desired effect; business as usual isn’t sustainable while oppressing Palestinians. Ynet: Many Israeli agricultural products have been recently targeted by…

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