Australia ready to take those pesky blacks from Israel?

This story seems unbelievable. Leading Australian Zionist politician and occupation defender Michael Danby wanting to highlight Israel’s blatant racism? Mmm: MK Danny Danon (Likud) requested from Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose sending African migrants from Israel to Australia in parliament. Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s recent visit…

What war does to the reporter’s soul

Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe’s leading war correspondents. Last night I read this moving extract from her memoir. Beautifully written, it examines the relationship between her and her partner Bruno and their child, Luca and how reporting in various horror zones eventually entered their hearts and minds and wouldn’t go away. War can…

Watching a new Palestinian tactic unfold

Rami Khouri writes in Lebanon’s Daily Star: While the Arab world is experiencing a historic series of citizen revolts against nondemocratic governments, something equally significant is happening among Palestinians in their struggle with Israel and Zionism. Very slowly, almost imperceptibly, Palestinians seem to be making a strategic shift in their mode of confrontation with Israel,…

Fighting for rights, from indigenous Australians to Palestinians

As the Gaza Flotilla 2 is soon to sail – despite attempts to sabotage the boats and other delays – what makes the attempt so moving are the personal stories of people who speak up for Palestine, despite the (almost) comical moves to smear them. Amira Hass profiles two Australians, both of whom I know…

ABCTV News24 on climate change and Gaza flotilla 2

Last night I was on ABCTV News24’s The Drum (video here) talking climate change policy and the Gaza flotilla. I argued that dwindling public support for real action on climate change was because too many of its backers refused to seriously engage with the general public and denigrated opponents. Labeling “deniers” akin to Holocaust deniers…

Ethnic cleansing by another name

Yes: There has been a sharp rise in the number of Palestinian structures razed by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank this year, with over 700 people left homeless, rights groups said on Wednesday. So far, Israeli forces have demolished “103 residential structures … most of them tents, huts, and tin shacks, in which…

America’s drone wars are wonderful earner for conflict addicts

Disturbing New York Times feature which barely touches on the ethical question of killing “terrorists” (and more often innocent civilians) from a great height thousands of miles away. Murder is still murder: Two miles from the cow pasture where the Wright Brothers learned to fly the first airplanes, military researchers are at work on another…

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