UN knows war crimes committed in Sri Lanka so act already

The UN-led report on the country’s civil war is clear. Death and destruction on a massive scale. Former UN spokesman Gordon Weiss in Colombo says that the UN kept quiet during the last months of the war instead of speaking honestly about what they knew was happening in the north of the country: ALI MOORE:…

Canberra wants to look tough on refugees while privatised care dehumanises all

It’s a sad sight seeing Immigration Minister Chris Bowen talking about punishing asylum seekers for his own government’s mistakes. Any chance he’d like to examine why so many refugees are suffering prolonged mental trauma under his care? Of course not. With an ongoing protest around Curtin detention centre in Western Australia, activists on the ground…

On Australia’s front-line against privatised detention centres

Good on those brave souls raising the issue of privatised asylum seekers. In a real democracy, we would be able to visit people technically under our care: Protesters have knocked over a fence at the Curtin Detention Centre near Derby [in Western Australia], with as many as 40 defying police orders to stay away from…

Occupation stories from deep inside normal Palestinian lives

Life in Palestine is often transmitted to the West by people who don’t live there, merely passing through. Father Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, has regularly written missives about the reality under occupation. Here’s his latest: Easter Sunday 24th April 2011 Again I send special greetings on Easter Sunday from here in…

How America really feels about those chained in Guantanamo Bay

A place of torture, deprivation, lack of judicial oversight, a gulag and utterly deplorable. Welcome to the US empire: Al-Qaeda terrorists have threatened to unleash a “nuclear hellstorm” on the West if Osama Bin Laden is caught or assassinated, according to documents to be released by the WikiLeaks website, which contain details the interrogations of…

Insider’s view of Libya’s unlikely revolutionaries

UK Guardian journalist Chris McGreal – whom I know and respect from his fine reporting in Palestine and South Africa – writes about the latest revolution; Libya: Few revolutions have been more inspiring. After years of reporting uprisings and conflicts driven by ideology, factional interests or warlords soaked in blood — from El Salvador to…

Asylum seeker anger explodes across Australia (while Serco ignores humanity)

What do we expect when we treat people like animals to be locked up indefinitely while our too-few-officials manage the problem, often receiving “intelligence” from the very regimes from which people are fleeing? A number of asylum seekers are continuing a hunger strike into a second day at the Curtin detention centre in Western Australia’s…

Serco’s rhetoric and reality in Australia vastly different

I’ve reported over the last months the very difficult situation for staff and refugees at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre due to federal government bungling and Serco mismanagement. The Australian reported my comments today about the latest uprising in Villawood. Welcome to Australia’s dysfunctional (and entirely avoidable) asylum seeker “crisis”. In light of these troubles, it’s…

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