America’s “love” for Middle East democracy

Completely non-existent: “No leniency [1].” That was the warning from Bahrain’s crown prince last week as government forces continued cracking down on protesters, activists, journalists and doctors. It was issued alongside yet another promise of reform by the Bahraini government. The warning was also met with silence from the United States. The U.S., which has…

Thinking very carefully before visiting Sri Lanka

Travelling isn’t an ethics-free zone. The places we visit are imbued with political and social meaning. Tourism in repressive states should be carefully navigated to avoid giving support to the regime (as much as possible). Sri Lanka, still in the grip of a political culture that refuses to acknowledge its massacre of Tamils and ongoing…

This is what Australia is doing to refugees in its care

The reality of life in Australia for asylum seekers is too rarely heard. So when Perth-based refugee activist Victoria Martin-Iverson wrote to me yesterday with the story below I asked if I could publish it here exclusively. This is the reality of privatised refugees, mostly ignored in a country that doesn’t seem too interested in…

Sydney’s 2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine, BDS and global justice

I was interviewed for Sydney’s 2SER Radio late last week on the current public “debate” over the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement in Australia. Since the Murdoch press refuses to publish any substantial perspectives that challenge its blind Zionist position – a sign of true insecurity – it’s vital that indy media fills the gap:

Memo to Jews; your job in life isn’t to back Israeli apartheid 24/7

Another day and yet another column by a Zionist in Israel’s largest daily who simply can’t tolerate any Jewish dissent on Israel/Palestine. Here we are in 2011 and still so much of mainstream Zionism attempts to enforce an unquestioning version of the ideology: Every day, more celebrated Jewish personalities – writers, artists, academics – are…

On Goldstone’s tragic and shameless silence over real Gaza crimes

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe: “If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone report would have been a different document.” Thus opens Judge Richard Goldstone’s much-discussed op-ed in The Washington Post. I have a strong feeling that the editor might have tampered with the text and that the original sentence ought to have…

Bradley Manning is suffering so stand up for him

At least a few are but where are the major political and media elites? Silence: British diplomats will express with officials in Washington for a second time MPs’ concerns about the treatment of a US soldier charged with leaking thousands of sensitive cables to WikiLeaks, the government has confirmed. Foreign Office minister Henry Bellingham said…

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