What kind of “democracy” measures calorie intake for prisoners in Gaza?

Israel. Human rights group Gisha issues the following release: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 – Last Wednesday, March 23, 2011, the Tel Aviv Administrative Court ruled that the Defense Ministry must immediately provide Gisha with the “red lines document” and reveal the names of the officials enforcing the closure. It also ruled that the ministry must…

Taking the Palestinian struggle to the heart of New York

While Israeli political leaders simply find new ways to demonise and occupy Arabs, activists in the US take action into their own hands. More, please: Please find below a wonderful video of Adalah New York’s BDS action to mark the Global BDS Day of Action commemorating Palestinian Land Day (in 1976, 6 Palestinians were killed,…

The Greens, Palestine and defending BDS during NSW election

My following investigation for New Matilda appears today: Did the Greens’ stance on Israel cost them lower house seats in the NSW election? Antony Loewenstein talks to key Greens about BDS and dirty politics “I mean they just never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” That’s what NSW ALP campaign spokesperson Luke Foley had…

Obama defenders find ways to justify use of arms here and there

The New York Times, being an establishment paper, unsurprisingly backs Barack Obama’s military intervention in Libya. Much more revealing, however, is this interview with Samantha Power, a senior director on the National Security Council. I truly wonder if she believes the words she’s telling Politico: Obama “has used his pulpit and a number of speeches…

Canberra should ditch Serco and offer support for people not firms

This is what Australia has created. A militarised and privatised system to house asylum seekers. Christmas Island remains in a state of heightened tension. The Australian offers a little more information about the state of dysfunction between the federal government and British multinational Serco: While private security firm Serco has come under scrutiny for understaffing…

Zionist denial of Bedouin life

SBS Dateline reports on the side of Israel routinely ignored in the West: Professor John Sheehan, an Australian authority on native title compensation, certainly thinks he could be. He’s currently helping Nuri in his struggle to reclaim land taken from his family by the Israeli authorities 60 years ago. Despite living in the Negev Desert…

Memo to reporters in Australia; refugees are already being smeared and abused

Here’s how the Australian media sometimes report on asylum seekers. There’s no doubt that the country’s refugee policy is out of control, privatised forces (namely Serco) run the system with few checks or balances and journalists often simply ignore the bigger picture but can sensitivity towards vulnerable people not be ignored? Asylum seekers awaiting processing…

Palestinians heard backing BDS in Marrickville

With all the talk about Marrickville council embracing BDS in Sydney, Palestinian voices have been largely absent. Like in so many debates about the Middle East in the West, all we hear are Zionists and Zionists. Well, let’s change that right now. Here’s Australians for Palestine public advocate Samah Sabawi and the group’s founder Sonja…

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