Both sides of politics see asylum seekers as non-people

Australia’s depravity over asylum seekers is revealed even by the US, a nation fond of demonising refugees: Secret United States embassy cables have sharply criticised the handling of asylum seekers by the former prime minister Kevin Rudd and accused both Labor and the Coalition of playing partisan politics with the issue. The cables reveal that…

Guess which state wants to copy dictatorships?

Looks like North Korea wants to bring in some legal reforms. Oh wait: The [Israeli] Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill yesterday that would allow the state to prevent detainees suspected of security offenses from meeting with an attorney for up to one year. The bill, introduced by Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, aims…

Sending Afghan refugees back to their hellish land

Afghanistan is aflame, the country in ruins. So what is the Australian government doing? Sending people back there who, you can be sure, will disappear and be killed. This is all about removing a political issue from our shores, away from prying media interest. Moral bankruptcy on a grand scale: Australia and Afghanistan have finalised…

Watch Serco like hawks or face troubles in future

As more and more Western governments use the services of Serco – the British multinational with an unhealthy hold on prisons and detention centres – it’s worth remembering the gross human rights abuses under its watch. I just received this release: PRESS RELEASE: SERCO officers in Yarl’s Wood IRC, violent, racist, sexist & vindictive On…

Wikileaks rallies in Australia hit a nerve

Green Left Weekly reports comprehensively on last week’s Australian pro-Wikileaks rallies: More than 1000 people rallied at Sydney’s Town Hall at 1pm on December 10 to show their support for Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange. Rallies also occurred in Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth. The rally, held to coincide with International Human Rights…

More Tamil exclusion in Sri Lanka

And the world mostly says nothing: The first cabinet meeting convened by Sri Lanka president Mahinda Rajapaksa after returning from London decided to abolish the Tamil version of Sri Lanka’s national anthem, Sunday Times reports. The ”˜shortcoming’ of having two national anthems should be rectified and in no other country was the national anthem used…

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