Colombo starts to feel heat over killings of Tamils

Wow. What a Guardian headline: “WikiLeaks cables: ‘Sri Lankan president responsible for massacre of Tamils’”: American diplomats believed that the Sri Lankan president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, bore responsibility for a massacre last year that is the subject of a UN war crimes inquiry, according to a leaked US cable. Lawyers for Tamil activists in Britain are…

Rajapaksa needs to answer some questions…in the Hague

Make the man feel hunted until he faces justice: Lawyers working for Tamil activists are attempting to obtain a war crimes arrest warrant against Sri Lanka’s president and senior member of his entourage who have arrived in Britain. Mahinda Rajapaksa, whose government defeated the separatist Tamil Tigers last year amid humanitarian protests about the treatment…

If you are a dictatorship, Washington is keen to help

Before they’ve even been released, US ambassador to Sri Lanka already almost begs for global understanding. Only positive words towards Colombo and little about punishment or sanction for massacring thousands of Tamils: Strongly condemning the release of classified diplomatic communications by WikiLeaks, the United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka said the U.S. has worked hard…

Inside the Tamil Tigers from a man who knows

An amazing interview with key former Tamil Tiger leader Thambiaiya Selvarasa Pathmanathan, alias “KP”. He’s currently under house arrest and monitored by the Sri Lankan regime. Some of this interview is filled with clearly scripted comments about the kindness of Colombo but despite this KP talks about the inside workings of the Tigers. The last…

We break Iraq and simply ignore it

Where is the Western responsibility for causing such chaos in Iraq? A second exodus has begun here, of Iraqis who returned after fleeing the carnage of the height of the war, but now find that violence and the nation’s severe lack of jobs are pulling them away from home once again. Since the American invasion…

Who’s the IDF mole who wants to expose Gaza abuses?

An Israeli insider who dislikes what his colleagues are doing: The IDF magazine, Bamachaneh confirmed today that the list of IDF officers who served in Cast Lead and allegedly committed war crimes, was leaked through an army source. … This contradicts attempts by Israel apologists to rebut the charges and information contained in the list by…

Using Wikileaks to sue the US

The enduring power of Wikileaks: Iraq’s Baath party, forcibly removed from power by the US-led invasion of 2003, believes leaked American military documents could help it sue the US government over the war. Baathist officials are planning to meet with international law experts in March to discuss the possibility of taking legal action against Washington,…

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