It’s not easy backing death squads in Iraq

This is what we have created in Iraq by our own actions; turning a blind eye to torture, murder and abuse. In the name of “liberation”, of course: One: During the foreboding months of 2005, one police unit struck more fear into Iraqis than the entire occupying US army. They were known as the Wolf…

Israel has an Arab “problem”

The always eloquent Jewish writer and blogger The Magnes Zionist: Israel’s ‘Arab Problem’ was not the inevitable creation of Zionism, or even of the Jewish state idea. It was created by the specific kind of Jewish state that was founded in 1948, a state that embodied the exclusivist ethnic nationalist ethos of the founders, who…

Are we allowed to violently assault asylum seekers? Just asking

Maybe one day, Western governments will ask themselves whether private companies should be tasked (and paid) to do the dirty work of removing refugees. Out of sight and out of mind: The government’s deportation policy has been thrown into confusion after it emerged that the Home Office banned private security firms from forcing detainees on…

Colombo is being watched and we won’t stop

At least some Western countries want to hold Sri Lanka to account. Australia remains silent, gutless as ever: David Cameron made clear today that given the serious allegations and alleged evidence that continues to surface in relation to war crimes during the closing weeks of the civil war in Sri Lanka an independent investigation was…

Western politicians prefer to ignore Israel’s inherent racism

My following article appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Imagine a mainstream Australian politician saying that Aborigines should be banned from leading tourists around Uluru because they might “present anti-Australian positions” to visitors. The outcry would be furious. But a bill is currently before the Israeli Knesset, led by a parliamentarian from the “moderate” Kadima…

Dancing the BDS Flashdance

The Philly BDS Coalition dances into action in a local grocery store chain to push them to deshelve Sabra and Tribe of Hummus; both brands support Israeli war crimes. This marks the launch of our campaign:

Nuclear waste should be placed in the backyard of the multinationals

The idea of dumping nuclear waste material on Aboriginal land is being resisted, and rightly so. The question unanswered in the ABC Radio piece below is which local and foreign companies would financially benefit from this if it moves forward. I’m investigating: TONY EASTLEY: Plans to build a national nuclear waste facility in a remote…

Arundhati Roy challenges the Indian state

The stance of a brave human rights believer, writer and journalist: For her talk… on Kashmir, writer Arundhati Roy has come under the threat of “sedition” charges in India. These speeches… are currently being analyzed by… Delhi police. Her response to the threat is below and was issued from Srinagar: I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s…

Wikileaks revelations? Nothing to see here, says WPost

The US corporate press has spent years suppressing the crimes and excesses of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan – the Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief says that Wikileaks proves the US administration has been lying for years – and yet this Washington Post editorial says everybody should just calm down and move…

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