Just another Jewish state effort at ethnic cleansing

Joseph Dana, an American Jew living in Israel, spends much of time campaigning for Palestinian rights. He’s a brave soul, a friend and colleague. His latest post reveals the ongoing oppression of Bedouin in the country. It’s heart-breaking: In the early hours of 10 August, Israeli forces destroyed — for the third time — the…

Taking the measure of the heat in Gaza

My following book review appeared in Saturday’s Melbourne Age: Gaza: Morality, Law and Politics Edited by Raimond Gaita University of Western Australia Publishing, $29.95 Raimond Gaita’s collection tries to analyse a contentious conflict, writes Antony Loewenstein. MONTHS after the release of the UN-backed Goldstone report that found alleged war crimes by both Israel and Hamas…

Iraqis hate us because we abuse and kill them

Before the Afghan war logs, Wikileaks released the “Collateral Murder” video. The Nation provides an exclusive that details the casual brutality dished out by the US to average Iraqis. No wonder the insurgency continues to rage: One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers.…

How ANZ bank is backing cluster bombs

Just one more reason to dislike the banking industry: A postcard produced by campaigners shows six-year old Abdullah, pictured with his left arm missing above the elbow. It explains the Iraqi boy was sleeping in his home in 2003 when a cluster bomb came through his window, the shrapnel blowing off his arm and tearing…

Aborigines are invisible in Australia

This is how Australia is being reported in the UK Independent: Aboriginal disadvantage has not rated a mention during the Australian election campaign – there are few votes in it. But as the party leaders criss-crossed the country this week, shocking evidence emerged at a government inquiry: children in remote indigenous communities are starving. The…

Maintain the rage over Sri Lanka’s dictatorship

The Elders release a statement outlining the still profound issues inside Sri Lanka: The Sri Lankan government’s clampdown on domestic critics and its disdain for human rights deserves a far tougher response according to The Elders. While welcoming the end of the decades-long civil war, the Elders say that meaningful progress on reconciliation in Sri…

Kicking refugees when they’re down and out

It isn’t just Australia treating asylum seekers as criminals to be exploited for political gain: A video showing French police dragging immigrant women and children away from a protest squat has sharpened accusations that President Nicolas Sarkozy has made a cynical turn towards the authoritarian right. Although police insist that the disturbing footage is misleading,…

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