Fundamentalist Jews run riot in Jerusalem

Tensions in Silwan in Jerusalem are growing, not least because Israel continues to expand settlements in complete violation of international law. So much for a settlement freeze. Protests against the latest moves are growing but why aren’t such reports in the international media? Another night sets in on Silwan. Just two days ago, hundreds of…

Blair should be in the Hague

Satire is dead: Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is to receive a prestigious US medal and $100,000 (…£67,000) prize for his work in conflict resolution. The National Constitution Centre is awarding him its Liberty Medal for “steadfast” efforts to broker peace in Northern Ireland and the Middle East. Previous winners include Nelson Mandela and…

Exclusive article: Israel’s economic susceptibility to the BDS movement

The following article is written by Sydney-based Evan Jones (his previous contribution to the site is here): Israel has long thumbed its nose at international law and its moral underpinnings. But its flouting of the International Court of Justice’s July 2004 ruling declaiming the illegality of the wall cutting through the West Bank was a…

Sri Lanka isn’t safe, Australia

Just in case anybody believes that the new Australian Prime Minister will deliver on human rights, a sobering warning: Amnesty International is calling on the federal government to lift its suspension on processing the claims of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, saying the troubled nation is still a dangerous place. The three-month suspension ends on…

The rise and rise and rise of BDS

The following statement has been released: The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), established in April 2004 by a small group of Palestinian academics and intellectuals and widely supported by leading civil society associations, unions and networks,[1] has not witnessed a sustained surge in cultural boycott of Israel as in…

Tamils need generals and leaders to face trial over abuses

Make it transparent, make it accountable and make it efficient. The victims in Sri Lanka deserve nothing less: The United Nations has set up a high-level panel to look into allegations of human rights abuses in the final months of the civil war in Sri Lanka. Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general, launched the investigation on Tuesday.…

Jews in North Carolina say no to Israeli occupation

Jews for a Just Peace-NC set up a “Palestinian house demolition” tableau in front of the Durham Performing Arts Center to protest an American Dance Festival performance by the Israel-based Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company on June 17, 2010. The protesters exposed the fact that Israel’s cultural exports have become a tool to…

“Only a boycott will persuade Israel”

With Israel’s Vice Premier and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon praising the terrorist founders of Israel as heroes – of course, they’re referred to these days as freedom fighters and the Jewish “underground” – the tone-deaf nature of the Jewish state is being noticed in various quarters. And it’s finally starting to dawn on Western…

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