This is what a large section of Israel thinks today

This was forwarded by a reliable contact in the US (both the video above and the story below): I got this from a friend, Ran, who studies at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva (south of Israel). It’s a demo organized by students SUPPORTING the flotilla slaughter. In local terms, these are not even really…

West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

Israel says al-Qaeda was related to the Gaza flotilla (yes, seriously)

Boarding a ship in international waters and arriving with commandos from helicopters. Yes, Israel clearly made a defensive move. And I thought the Zionist lobby keeps on telling us that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s the latest Israeli government spin, predictable and pathetic (perhaps they should claim that Bin Laden was on the Gaza…

And now Israel will pay a price for its brutal actions

And now the fall-out: Turkey’s foreign ministry on Monday denounced as “unacceptable” an Israeli attack on an aid convoy bound for Gaza which killed at least 10 people, summoning Israel’s ambassador to discuss the incident and bringing already tense relations between the countries to new levels. The ministry said that Israel had violated International law…

Murder on the high seas

And it gets worse: Israel Navy troops opened fire on pro-Palestinian activists aboard a six-ship aid flotilla sailing for the Gaza Strip, killing at least 10 and wounding several others after the convoy ignored orders to turn back, Turkey’s NTV reported early Monday. NTV… said between 10 and 15 people were killed, with over 6o wounded.

Cause and effect in the Middle East

While Israel stands accused of actions like these: An international children’s rights charity has said it has evidence that Palestinian children held in Israeli custody have been subjected to sexual abuse in an effort to extract… confessions from them. The Geneva-based Defence for Children International (DCI)… has collected 100 sworn affadavits from Palestinian children who said they…

Perhaps Israel would like to silence Gazans permanently

The Gaza flotilla continues its merry way toward the Strip before the inevitable provocation by Israel (so much for Gaza being an independent territory when Israel says it has the right to stop the ships landing on the shore). The cost of the Israeli operation will be millions of shekels. Such money well spent. Gideon…

Israel and apartheid South Africa were the best of friends

My following article appears in today’s Canberra Times newspaper: The headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz this week was striking: ”Who says Jews and racism don’t go together?” Columnist Akiva Eldar discussed the revelations in a new book by a senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine that details the extensive relationship between apartheid South…

Don’t wear tight pants and be a good Muslim

Last year I visited the Indonesian province of Aceh and discovered a Muslim area though one with surprisingly liberal attitudes (in some parts, anyway). So this news, under the headline, “Tight Pants Ban Takes Effect in Indonesia’s Aceh“, is a little sad: Authorities in a devoutly Islamic district of Indonesia’s Aceh province have distributed 20,000…

What you didn’t know about Hitler and his merry men

Just in case you weren’t sure about Hitler’s real behaviour and hatreds: The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer states that Adolf Hitler was gay and surrounded himself with gay soldiers because straight soldiers refused to be brutal and savage enough.

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