Thoughts over prosecuting black and white war criminals

A fascinating case – holding those to account behind the Rwandan genocide is essential to dealing with that catastrophe – that highlights the fundamental flaw in our international system. Western leaders are always exempt from arrest. Is the Western world seriously saying that only black people and a few others are guilty of war crimes?…

Why Australia has consistently failed hold war criminals to account

I wrote recently about Australia’s incredibly shameful failures in prosecuting the countless war criminals residing in Australia. We now have some further information from the Australian Parliament that partly explains the country’s lax attitude towards the issue (via the Lowy Institute): On Monday Senator Wong tabled… some fascinating answers to a series of questions on notice…

Tamil independence will happen one day (with a nudge and a push)

Justice in Sri Lanka is a foreign commodity these days while the Tamil Diaspora are still longing for an independent homeland. This is an interesting move by Britain, a rare sign of actually standing up to dictatorships (unlike Australia, which seems more concerned with maintaining trade relations and ignoring human rights): Relations between Britain and…

Is Israel mature enough to understand the value of rights?

An instructive op-ed in Haaretz by media consultant Gilad Heiman that offers the Jewish state some advice that will probably be ignored: Israeli public relations stems entirely from the Zionist Israeli narrative, without any genuine attempt being made to learn the language of human rights, which is dominant in international public discourse. We expect the…

To Shoot an Elephant – Sydney screening

I saw this amazing documentary a few weeks ago. Shot during Israel’s onslaught against Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009, the film-makers were embedded with Palestinian ambulance workers. Israel is clearly seen shooting at unarmed civilians. The territory is under siege with bombs falling all around the terrified population. Zionist terror in its rawest…

Sri Lanka must pay in Australia for its crimes back home

Following last week’s strong Age editorial on the situation in Sri Lanka, the following letter appeared in Saturday’s edition: Many thanks for your editorial (”Sri Lanka’s ripples go far beyond the island”,… The Age, 11/2) on the intensifying repression in Sri Lanka. Canberra has restricted itself to tokenistic responses out of a wrong-headed belief that things…

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