What if Obama actually went to the Gaza Strip?

An open letter from a Palestinian resident of Gaza to the President of the United States of America, Mr. Barak Hussein Obama: Dear Mr. President, You will probably not read this letter due to your busy schedule and the huge number of messages you receive from Presidents, Kings, Princes, Sheiks, and Prime Ministers. Who is…

Zionism doesn’t learn that shooting the messenger only leads to isolation

Israel, you are desperate and pathetic. Human rights isn’t an option, it’s a necessity if you want to be respected: America’s leading human rights organisation has accused Israel and its supporters of an “organised campaign” of false allegations and misinformation, including “extremely personal attacks” on its staff, in an attempt to discredit the group over…

Suffering Tamils are languishing

Last night on Australian radio there was one of the first reports about life for Tamils inside the Sri Lankan concentration camps. It’s a grim reality, families held for months against their will. It’s a point constantly hammered by the Washington Post and the clear implication is that festering problems can only lead in one…

Raising the alarm about Mohammad Othman

Jewish Voice for Peace have sent out the following email: Fifty days have passed since his detention, but Mohammad Othman is still in prison. The Israeli government has given no reason for his arrest. And things are getting worse. We’ve learned that Mohammad is now incommunicado — even from his own lawyers. Under these circumstances,…

New Delhi knows why the Tamils are suffering

A fellow adviser on the UK-based Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice, Prof Brahma Chellaney writes on India’s collusion in the Tamil fate: Nearly six months after Sri Lanka’s stunning military triumph in the 26-year-old civil war at the cost of thousands of civilian lives in the final weeks alone, the peace dividend remains…

The putrid air and reality of Gaza

What have we done? More than 40 years of Israeli military occupation have had a devastating impact on Palestinians in Gaza. Air strikes, artillery shelling, ground invasions, jet flybys and other acts of violence have all led to an epidemic of suffering among Gaza’s most vulnerable inhabitants. The most recent studies indicate that the vast…

Justice comes from the heart of Palestine

Gazans taking the future into their own hands: In order to find sustainable alternatives to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict a new group calling itself the Justice Makers has been formed across the law departments in Palestinian universities. Two of the founders, Mohammed Eliwa and Yousef al-Nouri, are both fourth-year law students from al-Azhar University in Gaza.…

US government says Israel is an intolerant nation

Shock, horror: Israel dismally fails the requirements of a tolerant pluralistic society, according to a new report from the U.S. State Department. Despite boasting religious freedom and protection of all holy sites, Israel falls short in tolerance toward minorities, equal treatment of ethnic groups, openness toward various streams within society, and respect for holy and…

300,000 Tamils need 30 seconds of your life

An important campaign launched today in Australia: The 300,000 Reasons campaign has been launched to draw attention to the plight of 300,000 Sri LankanTamil citizens – men, women and children who are being forcibly held in military camps in their own country for no reason other than their ethnicity. It is time for all of…

Anniversary of the Islamic Republic has show of strength

The cry for freedom in Iran (from us, the West and a brutal dictatorship) continues: It was meant to be a highlight of the Iranian revolutionary calendar, a day of mass rallies sponsored by the government to showcase contempt for America and the West. But the official commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the storming…

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