The crushing of the Iranian spirit

Iranian Ibrahim Sharifi protested during the recent post-election uprising. His story, told here in yesterday’s New York Times, is devastating: Mr. Sharifi was one of five brothers raised in north Tehran in a middle class family that was religious but not fanatically so. His father, a retired military officer, was a supporter of the 1979…

What the occupation has done to Israel

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem on driver Muhammad Id’is who claims he was beaten at an Israeli checkpoint this month. This is his testimony: I live in Beit ”˜Amra, which is next to Yatta. For many years, I have been transporting workers from the communities near Yatta and a-Samu’ to Khirbet Jinba, from which they…

Iran, Michael Jackson, and Generation X

My following article appears in the Asia-Pacific Magazine The Diplomat: Our writer argues that his young tech-savvy peers, celebrity fixations aside, are increasingly engaged in global issues like this summer’s riots in Tehran. The violent June uprisings in Iran ricocheted around the world. While young, old, conservative and liberal Iranians protested the stolen election win…

Murdering Arabs is actually a problem

If the US fails to hold Israel to account, those with international law on their mind may: A senior prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague said Monday that he is considering opening an investigation into whether Lt. Col. David Benjamin, an Israel Defense Forces reserve officer, allowed war crimes to be committed…

America signs yet another deal to kiss Israel

On some days, such as today, I look at the Middle East “peace process” and wonder how any serious journalist can’t write about Israel and Palestine and not simply laugh (or cry). Talks, meeting, summits, statements of intent and yet the occupation only grows. A farce allowed to continue by either blind Zionists or bought…

Lone voices in Iran will be heard

Human rights abuses in Iran, especially since the disputed June election, are growing by the day. Here’s just one way that the internet is spreading the information to the world, away from government thugs: Following controversial elections in Iran, Ibrahim Sharifi joined the popular street protests. After being tracked down by Iran’s security forces, he…

Gazans continue to suffer while Netanyahu speaks

Another day in the life of occupied Palestine: A coalition of human rights groups led by Physicians for Human Rights …– Israel, HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual, and Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement today sent a letter to the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, in response to…

SBS Radio interview on Israeli discrimination in East Jerusalem

SBS News Radio reports today: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas for the first time since taking office in March, in Washington today. U-S President Barack Obama is hosting the talks at the White House. It comes at a time when peace moves are stalled, despite intense U-S efforts. As…

And Israel wonders why it is so hated

A day in the life of a Palestinian in Gaza: Abu Wael, my white-haired host in Beit Hanoun, so gentle and soft-spoken, sat and graciously urged his guests to eat more of food that he grew with his own hands on his northern Gaza farm, while he spoke of his grief. The farm used to…

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