The importance of standing up for Palestinian rights, those occupied

Following an article in the Australian on the weekend – that accused critics of Israel of extremism – the paper publishes the following letters today: This week a leading US Jewish newspaper, The Forward, has published an article with the headline “Palestinian-led movement to boycott Israel is gaining support”. It explains how the global and…

Why the Goldstone Gaza report matters

Richard Falk, the UN’s special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, has spoken extensively about Israel’s crimes in Palestine, including after the Gaza war. Now, after last week’s UN report about the conflict, Falk wrote the following for a Turkish publication: “So why did the Israeli government boycott the commission? The real…

The time to implement a boycott is now

The following interview by Stu Harrison appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: “The war could have finished the day before I arrived”, independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein told Green Left Weekly of his recent trip to the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza. His trip in July was months after the December-January war, in…

Australian commercial TV on West Bank apartheid

Times are changing. 60 Minutes, one of Australia’s most popular commercial current affairs programs, has done a story on the West Bank. The journalist, Liam Bartlett, has written this: Trying to understand the Middle East peace process is a bit like attempting to unscramble an egg so we travelled to Israel to get a first-hand…

America likes to bathe with Israeli missiles

The Obama administration comes down on the side of war criminals over its role in the Gaza war. When will more people start to realise that Washington is not an honest broker in the Middle East? The Obama administration sharply criticized a UN report Friday alleging that Israel committed multiple war crimes in its Gaza…

Israelis forgetting how to treat the other as human

Back in January, Assa Doron, an Israeli/Australian research fellow in the research school of Pacific and Asian studies at the Australian National University in Canberra, wrote a piece in the Australian about Jewish dissent over Israel: No one has a monopoly on patriotism or what constitutes national loyalty. Like many others, I too feel for…

Why Zionists know that boycotting Israel is a dangerous weapon

The following article by Philip Mendes and Nick Dyrenfurth appears in today’s Australian newspaper: A few weeks ago the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange staged the sixth annual Israeli film festival. Lost Islands, a film taking its title from a 1970s Australian television series (which amassed a cult following in Israel), kicked off proceedings. By telling…

Whatever you do, avoid Arab girls

Promised Land is one of Israel’s finest bloggers (we met during my visit in July). His latest post relates to the recent story about the Israeli government launching a government to save “lost” Jews who inter-marry: There has been much talk recently over the new campaign aimed at preventing marriage between Jews and none-Jews, but…

How mad Jews treat Palestinians (and the world turns away

When a picture speaks a thousand words (via Sabbah): A settler tosses wine at a Palestinian woman on Shuhada Street in Hebron. The approach of some settlers towards neighboring Palestinians, especially around Nablus in the north and Hebron in the south, has often been one of contempt and violence.

What the UN Gaza study says about Israel

There is so much fascinating analysis over the UN Gaza report. A choice collection below: Amira Hass in Haaretz: Like the Serbs of yore, we Israelis continue thinking it’s the world that is wrong, and only we who are right. Israel struck a civilian population that remains under its control, it didn’t fulfill its obligation…

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