When the Rabbis start speaking out against Gazan outrage

Observing American Rabbis unite over Palestinian rights is an inspiring sight. Back in July, Mondoweiss reported: Thirteen American rabbis have initiated an important new project called Ta’anit Tzedek – The Jewish Fast for Gaza. The rabbis are calling for a communal monthly fast in support of the following goals: To call for a lifting of…

Can you be an Israeli patriot and believe in co-existence?

Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery spoke out against a boycott of his own country last week and received huge condemnation (and probably praise) in the process. I don’t share his optimism in the Israeli people somehow recognising the rights of Palestinians and ending the occupation (he appears to seriously ignore the ever-growing power of the…

The blood libel allowed questions about Israel’s organ issues to be ignored

The recent controversy over the Swedish newspaper that spuriously claimed Israel steals organs from dead Palestinians was stupid and irresponsible journalism. But, as journalist Shraga Elam explains, the inane Swedish piece obscured some legitimate questions about the subject: There is ample evidence that trade in organs has been done in Israel, at least for the…

Israel will be punished until it behaves in a normal manner

Bit by bit, Israel is starting to realise that “normalised” relations with the world is no longer possible: The director general of the Foreign Ministry, Yossi Gal, on Thursday summoned the Norwegian ambassador to Israel, Jakken Bjørn Lian, to protest Norway’s decision to pull all of its investments from the Israeli arms firm Elbit. Following…

The Nazi concentration camps were known to most

92-year-old Rochus Misch, the last surviving German with Hitler in the “suicide bunker” in 1945, tells the BBC: I knew about Dachau camp and about concentration camps in general. But I had no idea of the scale. It wasn’t part of our conversations. The Nuremberg Trial dealt with crimes committed by the Germans. But you…

Racism is the heart of this Israeli democracy

Amira Hass in Haaretz: The most amazing thing about the wave of murders in recent weeks has been the collective Israeli stupefaction at the discovery of violence in our midst. Once again we have displayed our talent for excluding from the discourse the daily violence inherent in our continued domination over the Palestinians and their…

Churches force Zionist lobby to defend Israeli apartheid

The global church movement has long opposed Israeli occupation in the West Bank. To rally millions of followers against illegal colonies is a strong moral challenge to Israel. This is therefore good news: The World Council of Churches on Wednesday called on Israel to cease and dismantle its settlements in the occupied territories. Passed on…

Paying money to shoot Arabs in the West Bank

This story is a classic example of the kind of ethical swamp modern Zionism has become. Is Zionism really about killing Arabs, brandishing a gun and hating Palestinians? For many, tragically, it is: Sharon Gat, owner of the “Caliber 3 Company,” steadies a little girl who comes up to his gunbelt. They’re holding a rifle…

How Hamas shoots itself in the foot

Inept, racist and bigoted fool: A Hamas spiritual leader on Monday called teaching Palestinian children about the Nazi murder of 6 million Jews a “war crime,” rejecting a suggestion that the U.N. might include the Holocaust in Gaza’s school curriculum… Hamas spiritual leader Younis al-Astal lashed out after hearing that the U.N. Relief and Works…

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